計畫名稱 : 後灣附近海域海洋生物多樣性與展場生物取水安全關係之研究
研究人員 : 孟培傑(計劃主持人)、謝泓諺、樊同雲、劉弼仁、柯風溪、陳德豪、林家興、湯政豪
子計畫 :
1. 海生館附近海域浮游動物之時空分布-有害浮游動物(纖毛蟲)之好發性研究初探 (謝泓諺)
2. 恆春半島西岸受溪流逕流不同影響珊瑚礁底棲群聚結構之研究 (樊同雲)
3. 海生館週邊潮間帶及亞潮帶底棲生態環境監測 (劉弼仁)
4. 陸源沖刷有毒有機污染物(農藥)對後灣附近海域水質之影響 (柯風溪)
5. 以生物檢驗方法評估海生館附近水體之急性與亞致死毒性 (陳德豪)
6. 南灣珊瑚生殖及遺傳細胞低溫冷凍保存與復育之研究 (林家興)
7. 水體環境因子對展場動物潛在的亞致死生理壓力與影響 (湯政豪)

計劃說明 :
國立海洋生物博物館地處後灣,其水族館養殖用水之取水口北鄰四重溪及保力溪,此二溪流經年累月由附近溝渠抑或地表逕流匯集流入附近之家庭、畜牧及農業廢水,然而當雨季來臨或是颱風侵襲時,爆發性的大雨經常使得四重溪及保力溪排放含有大量汙染物質的泥沙,這些泥沙被排入海中後經由潮流及海流攜帶會沿著海岸往南或往北運動,不但會釋放出汙染物質影響附近海域生態環境,甚至會覆蓋在珊瑚礁上面導致珊瑚死亡。除了河川排放及地表逕流對附近海域之生態影響外,季節性水團差異也是影響生物多樣性的重要因子。在水文及水質受到人為與自然因子影響而改變的情況下,後灣附近海域生物在長年累月影響下,對浮游生物、珊瑚、魚類、仔稚魚等海洋生物群聚生態會產生何種影響,其生物之生長、生存及回添量(recrement)如何?需要透過本計劃之各子計劃的研究方能解答。例如研究水溫、光照、沉積物及鹽度等季節性變化,可以進一步了解柳珊瑚與鞭珊瑚的生殖特徵,包括性別比例、配子發育週期及生殖時間。恆春半島海域受到三海系統(Three-sea system)及水團溫鹽季節性變化影響,將對仔稚魚、底棲貝類及魚類各物種之數量及分布一定程度的調節,對浮游生物亦會產生影響。除了河川排放、海潮流及水團溫鹽性質季節性變化外,海洋意外事件(如船隻擱淺油污染事件)對該海域之海洋生物亦會產生相當程度的影響。本館地處後灣,而後灣為過去鮮少完整海域生態環境之調查研究資料探討相關問題,本計畫的目的在於了解後灣海域受自然與人為雙重影響下,季節性海域環境因子之變化與海洋生物多樣性之關係,進而評估目前展場生物取水之安全。

將各項生物群聚之相似度三角矩陣以ANOSIM program (Clarke and Green, 1988; Clarke, 1993)進行分析,以了解隨著時間序列的不同生物群聚結構是否有顯著之不同。

以BIOENV program(Clarke and Ainsworth 1993)將海域水質監測中的各項環境因子(包括水溫、溶氧、鹽度、硝酸鹽、亞硝酸鹽、磷酸鹽、濁度、pH值、農藥、葉綠素甲)與生物群聚以BIO-ENV procedure進行相關分析,以找出能解釋生物群聚結構分布的最佳環境因子組合。

一般來說海洋生物群聚會隨著季節的改變而呈現週期性的變化,然而本海域生物群聚的變化為何?本計畫將以RELATE analysis對各項生物群聚進行分析,以瞭解生物群聚是符合週期性變化、或是呈現線性(series)的改變(Clarke et al., 1993)。

將各項生物群聚相似度之變異度進行生物群聚相似度變異度(Index of Multivariate Dispersion)(Warwick and Clarke, 1993)的分析,此分析可用來比較不同時期、不同區域生物群聚之相對穩定度,以了解生物群聚是否受到區域性汙染物之影響。

研究成果 :
何平合、陳昭倫、孟培傑、陳正平、邱郁文、林幸助、張揚祺、劉弼仁、張家銘 (2011) 人為活動對墾丁國家公園海域生態影響之長期研究。國家公園學報。21(3): 37-64。

葉欣宜、謝蕙蓮、陳佳宜、楊明哲、廖思函、劉弼仁、陳章波 (2011) 國際鱟研究與保育研討會。鱟的史詩-臺灣三棘鱟保育特展專刊,國立海洋生物博物館,屏東,第83-98頁。

姜海、劉弼仁、張至維 (2011) 鱟的史詩策展二三事。鱟的史詩-臺灣三棘鱟保育特展專刊,國立海洋生物博物館,屏東,第99-105頁。

孟培傑、張家銘、劉弼仁 (2011) 全球氣候變遷對海洋生態之衝擊。誰的嫌疑最大?海中武林高手特展專刊,國立海洋生物博物館,屏東,第58-67頁。

郭富雯、黃意筑、劉弼仁、樊同雲 (2011) 珊瑚的人工繁殖與產業發展。珊瑚世界的探索與了解,國立海洋生物博物館,屏東,第19-27頁。

林幸助、劉弼仁 (2015) 氣候變遷對台灣海洋的影響。國家地理中文網地理新聞-五月。

Liu** P-J, M-C Hsin, Y-H Huang, T-Y Fan, P-J Meng, C-C Lu, H-J Lin* (2015) Nutrient enrichment coupled with sedimentation favors sea anemones over corals. PLOS ONE. 10(4): e0125175. (SCI)

Chen T-H, Y-L Chen, C-Y Chen, P-J Liu, J-O Cheng, F-C Ko (2015) Assessment of ichthyotoxicity and anthropogenic contamination in the surface waters of Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 187(5): 265. (SCI)

Mayfield* AB, P-J Liu, Y-B Wang, C-S Chen (2014) Decreased green fluorescent protein-like chromoprotein gene expression in specimens of the model reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis undergoing high temperature-induced bleaching. Platax. 11:1-23.

Tew, K-S, Y-C Kao, F-C Ko, J Kuo, P-J Meng, P-J Liu, DC Glover (2014) Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on the growth, elemental composition, and cell size of two marine diatoms: potential implications of global climate change. Hydrobiologia 741(1) 79-87. (SCI)

Mayfield* AB, M-N Chen, P-J Meng, H-J Lin, C-S Chen, P-J Liu (2013) The physiological response of the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis to elevated temperature: results from coral reef mesocosm experiments in Southern Taiwan. Marine Environmental Research 86:1-11. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.01.004. (SCI)

Liu P-J, P-J Meng*, L-L Liu, J-T Wang, M-Y Leu (2012) Impacts of human activities on coral reef ecosystems of southern Taiwan: A long-term study. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 64(6):1129-1135. (SCI)

Kuo C-Y, Y-S Yuen, P-J Meng, P-H Ho, J-T Wang, P-J Liu, Y-C Chang, C-F Dai, T-Y Fan, H-J Lin, A.H. Baird, C Allen Chen* (2012) Recurrent disturbances and the degradation of hard coral communities in Taiwan. PloS One 7(8): e44364. (SCI)

Chen, T.H., Chen, Y.L., Chen, C.Y., Liu, P.J., Cheng, J.O., Ko, F.C. (2015) Assessment of ichthyotoxicity and anthropogenic contamination in the surface waters of Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, online available.

Chu, P.H., Lee, C.H., Ko, F.C. (2015) Detection of Hormone-like and Genotoxic Activities in Indoor Dust from Taiwan using a Battery of in vitro Bioassays. Aerosol and Air Quality Research (in review).

Cheng, J.O., Ko, F.C.* Lee, C.L. (2015) Concentration Profile and Gas-particle Distribution of Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Relation to Monsoons. PLOS one (in review).

Ko, F.C*., Chang, C.W., Cheng, J.O. (2014) Comparative study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Coral Tissues and the Ambient Sediments from Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Environmental Pollution. 185, 35-43 (SCI; IF=3.73).

Ko, F.C*, We, N.Y., Chou, L.S. (2014) Bioaccumulation of PBDEs in Stranded Cetaceans from Taiwan Coastal Waters. J of Hazardous Materials, 277, 127-133 (SCI; IF=4.331).

Chou, P.H., Liu, T.C., Ko, F.C., Liao, M.W., Yeh, H.M., Yang, T.H., Wu, C.T., Chen, C.H., Tsai, T.Y. (2014) Occurrence of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists and genotoxic compounds in the river systems in Southern Taiwan. Chemosphere 107, 257-264 (SCI; IF=3.137).

Hung, C.C., Ko, F.C., Gong, G.C., Chen, K.S., Lin, H.L., Wu, J.M., Chiang, H.L., Peng, S.C., Santschi, P.H. (2014) Increased zooplankton PAH concentrations across hydrographic fronts in the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 83, 248-257 (SCI; IF=2.531).

Lai, I.C., Lee, C.L., Ko, F.C., Lin, J.C., Huang, H.C. (2014) Persistent organic pollutants in tropical coastal and offshore environment: part A—atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. Online available. (SCI; IF=1.844).

Tew, K.S., Kao, Y.C., Ko, F.C., Kuo, J., Meng, P.J., Liu, P.J., Glover, D.C. (2014) Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on the growth, elemental composition, and cell size of two marine diatoms: potential implications of global climate change. Hydrobiologia. 741, 79-87. (SCI; IF=1.98).

Cheng, J.O., Ko, F.C.* Lee, C.L., Fang, M.D. (2013) Air-water exchange fluxes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the tropical coast, Taiwan. Chemosphere 90, 2614-2622 (SCI; IF=3.206).

Hsieh, I.T, Mok, H.K., Ko, F.C.*, Acik, S.(2013) Environmental assessment of trace element bioaccumulation in sipunculan from seagrass and wetland sediments. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185(3), 2269-2279. (SCI; IF=1.436).

Wang, Y.P., Tew, K.S.*, Kuo, J., Ko, F.C., Meng, P.J. (2012 ) The effect of coral polyp sizes and coral exudates on picoeukaryote dynamics in a controlled environment. Scientia Marina 76, 455-461. (SCI; IF=1.278).

Ko, F.C.*, Baker, J.E., Tew, K.S. (2012) Kinetics of polychlorinated biphenyl partitioning to marine Chrysophyte Isochrysis galbana. Science of the Total Environment 416, 410-417. ( SCI; IF=3.286).

Fang, M.D., Lee, C.L.*, Jiang, J.J., Ko, F.C., Baker, J.E. (2012) Diffusive exchange of PAHs across the air−water interface of the Kaohsiung Harbor lagoon, Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Management 110, 179-187 (SCI; IF=2.597).

Kuo, J.Y., Ko, F.C.*, Cheng, J.O., Meng, P.J., Li, J.J. (2012) Environmental assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in the surface sediments of a remote region on the eastern coast, Taiwan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184:2967-2979 (SCI; IF=1.436).

Chen, T.H., Cheng, Y.M., Cheng, J.O., Ko, F.C.(2012) Assessing the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclor 1254) on a scleractinian coral (Stylophora pistillata) at organismal, physiological, and molecular levels. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 75, 207-212. (SCI; IF=2.34).

Cheng, J.O., Ko, F.C.*, Li, J.J., Chen, T.H. , Cheng, Y.M., Lee, C.L. (2012) Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in the surface sediments from inter-tidal areas of Kenting coast, Taiwan. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 184, 3481-3490. (SCI; IF=1.436).

Hung, C.C*., Gong, G.C., Ko, F.C., Lee, H.J., Chen, H.Y., Wu, J.M., Hsu, M.L., Peng, S.C., Nan, F.H., Santschi, P.H. (2011) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of the East China Sea and their relationship associated with carbonaceous materials. Marine Pollution Bulletin 63, 464-470. (SCI; IF=2.359).

Jiang, J.J., Lee, C.L., Fang, M.D., Ko, F.C., Baker, J.E. (2011) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments of southwest Taiwan: Regional characteristics and potential sources. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62, 815-823. (SCI; IF=2.359).

Cheng, J.O., Ko, F.C.*, Wang, W.H. (2011) Concentration and partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the seawater of Houwan, Taiwan. Platax 8, 53-64.

Hung, C.C., Gong, G.C., Ko, F.C., Chen, H., Hsu, M., Wu, J.M., Peng, S.C., Nan, F.H., Yeager, K.M., Santschi, P.H. (2010) Relationships between persistent organic pollutants and carbonaceous materials in aquatic sediments of Taiwan. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 60,1010-1017. (SCI; IF=2.63).

Cheng, J.O., Cheng, Y.M., Chen, T.H., Hsieh, P.C., Fang, M.D., Lee, C.L., Ko, F.C.* (2010) A Preliminary Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Distributions in the Kenting Coral Reef Waters of Southern Taiwan. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 58,489-498. (SCI; IF=1.864).

Chou, C.T., Hsiao, Y.C., Ko, F.C. Cheng, J.O., Cheng, Y.M., Chen, T.H., (2010) Chronic exposure of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-47) alters locomotion behavior in juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology 98,388-395. (SCI; IF=3.124).

Chen, T.H., Cheng, Y.M., Cheng, J.O., Chou, C.T., Hsiao, Y.C., Ko, F.C.*(2010) Growth and transcriptional effect of dietary 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-47) exposure in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 73, 377-383. (SCI; IF=2.133).

Li, J.J., Ko, F.C., Li, J.J.* (2010) Crustaceans on Siaolanyu Isle of Taiwan. Platax 7, 1-11.

Cheng, J.O., Chen, E.R., Meng, P.J., Chen, T.H., Li, J.J., Wang, W.H., Ko, F.C.* Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the seawater of Houwan affected by the grounding of the chemical tanker W-O Budmo. Platax 7, 67-78.

Liao, P.H., Hwang, C.C., Chen, T.H., Chen, P.J.* 2015. Developmental exposures to waterborne abused drugs alter physiological function and larval locomotion in early life stages of medaka fish. Aquatic Toxicology 165: 84-92. (SCI IF=3.513; rank=6/103=5.83%)

Chen, T.H.*, Chen, Y.L., Chen, C.Y., Liu, P.J., Cheng, J.O., Ko, F.C. 2015. Assessment of ichthyotoxicity and anthropogenic contamination in the surface waters of Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187(5):4511. doi: 10.1007/s10661-015-4511-9. . (SCI IF=1.678; rank=107/216=49.54%)

Chen, T.H.*, Lin, C.C., Meng, P.J. 2014. Zinc oxide nanoparticles alter hatching and larval locomotor activity in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Hazardous Materials 277: 134-140. (SCI IF=4.331; rank=16/216=7.4%)

Lee, P.Y., Lin, C.Y., Chen, T.H.* 2014. Environmentally relevant exposure of 17α-ethinylestradiol impairs spawning and reproductive behavior in the brackish medaka Oryzias melastigma. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85:338-343. (SCI IF=2.793; rank=12/103=11.65%)

Chen, T.H.*, Cheng, Y.M., Cheng, J.O., Ko, F.C. 2012. Assessing the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclor 1254) on a scleractinian coral (Stylophora pistillata) at organismal, physiological, and molecular levels. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 75: 207-212. (SCI IF=2.482; rank=73/216=33.8%)

Chu, C.Y., Chen, C.F., Rajendran, R.S., Shen, C.N., Chen, T.H., Yen, C.C., Chuang, C.K., Lin, D.S., Hsiao, C.D.* 2012. Overexpression of Akt1 enhances adipogenesis and leads to lipoma formation in zebrafish. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36474. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036474. (SCI IF=3.534; rank=8/55=14.55%)

Cheng, J.O., Li, J.J., Chen, T.H., Cheng, Y.M., Lee, C.L., Ko, F.C.* 2012. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in the surface sediments from inter-tidal areas of Kenting coast, Taiwan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184:3481-3490. (SCI IF=1.678; rank=107/216=49.54%)

Chen, C.F., Chu, C.Y., Chen, T.H., Lee, S.J., Shen, C.N., Hsiao, C.D.* 2011. Establishment of a transgenic zebrafish line for superficial skin ablation and functional validation of apoptosis modulators in vivo. PLoS ONE 6(5): e20654. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020654. (SCI IF=3.534; rank=8/55=14.55%)

Chen, T.H.*, Lin, C.Y., Tseng, M.C. 2011. Behavioral effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on larval zebrafish (Danio rerio). Marine Pollution Bulletin 63: 303-308. (SCI IF=2.793; rank=12/103=11.65%)

Chen, T.H.*, Wang, Y.C., Wu, Y.H. 2011. Developmental exposures to ethanol or dimethylsulfoxide at low concentrations alter locomotor activity in larval zebrafish: implications for behavioral toxicity bioassays. Aquatic Toxicology 102: 162-166. (SCI IF=3.513; rank=6/103=5.83%)

Chou, C.T., Hsiao, Y.C., Ko, F.C., Cheng, J.O., Cheng, Y.M., Chen, T.H.* 2010. Chronic exposure of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-47) alters locomotion behavior in juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology 98:388-395. (SCI IF=3.513; rank=6/103=5.83%)

Chen, T.H., Cheng, Y.M., Cheng, J.O., Chou, C.T., Hsiao, Y.C., Ko, F.C.* 2010. Growth and transcriptional effect of dietary 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-47) exposure in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 377-383. (SCI IF=2.482; rank=73/216=33.8%)

Cheng, J.O., Cheng, Y.M., Chen, T.H., Hsieh, P.C., Fang, M.D., Lee, C.L., Ko, F.C.* 2010. A preliminary assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon distribution in the Kenting coral reef waters of southern Taiwan. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58:489-498. (SCI IF=1.96; rank=93/216=43.06%)

S. Tsai, W. Yen, S. Chavanich, V. Viyakarn and C. Lin* (2015). Development of cryopreservation techniques for gorgonian (Junceella juncea) oocytes through vitrification PLoS ONE doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123409.

S. Tsai, P. Thongpooe, F.W. Kuo, C. Lin* (2015). Impacts of low temperature preservation on mitochondrial DNA copy number in oocytes of the hard coral Echinopora sp. Mitochondrial DNA doi: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1036254.

S. Tsai, Y. Jhuang, E, Spikingsc, P.J. Sung, C. Lin* (2014) Ultrastructural observation on the oogenesis of gorgonian coral (Junceella juncea). Tissue Cell 46, 225-232

C. Lin*, F.W. Kuo, S. Chavanich, V. Viyakarn (2014) Membrane lipid phase transition behavior of oocytes from three gorgonian corals in relation to chilling injury. PLoS ONE 9(3): e92812. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092812.

C. Lin*, L.H. Wang, T.Y. Fan and F.W. Kuo (2012) lipid content and composition during the oocyte development of two gorgonian coral species (Junceella juncea and Junceella fragilis) in relation to low temperature preservation. PloS ONE 7(7): e38689. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038689

C. Lin and S. Tsai* (2012). The effect of chilling and cryoprotectants on hard coral (Echinopora spp.) oocytes during short-term low temperature preservation. Theriogenology 77, 1257-1261

Hu YC, Kang CK, Tang CH* and Lee TH* (2015) Transcriptomic analysis of metabolic pathways in milkfish that respond to salinity and temperature changes. PLoS ONE (Accepted) (SCI). *Corresponding authors.

Tang CH*, Leu MY, Yang WK and Hwang LY. (2014) Exploration of the mechanisms of protein quality control and osmoregulation in gills of Chromis viridis in response to reduced salinity. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 40:1533-1546 (SCI). *Corresponding authors.

Tang CH*, Leu MY, Shao K, Hwang LY and Chang WB. (2014) Short-term effects of thermal stress on the responses of branchial protein quality control and osmoregulation in a reef-associated fish, Chromis viridis. Zoological Studies 53:21 (SCI). *Corresponding authors.

Chang CY#, Tang CH#, Hsin YH, Lai HT, and Lee TH. (2014) FXYD2c plays a potential role in modulating Na+/K+-ATPase activity in HK-2 cells upon hypertonic challenge. Journal of Membrane Biology 247:93-105 # These authors contributed equally to this work. (SCI).

Tang CH and Lee TH. (2013) Hypotonic acclimation induces stress responses and expression of branchial Na+/K+-ATPase and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in Takifugu niphobles. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 319:409-421 (SCI)

Tang CH and Lee TH. (2013) Early response of protein quality control is critical for euryhaline teleosts to survive successfully upon salinity stress. PLoS ONE 8:ppe63112 (SCI)

Tang CH, Lai DY, and Lee TH. (2012) Effects of salinity acclimation on Na+/K+-ATPase responses and FXYD11 expression in the gills and kidneys of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 163:302-310 (SCI)

Lo W. T., Yu S. F. and Hsieh H. Y.* (2014) Hydrographic processes driven by seasonal monsoon system affect siphonophore assemblages in tropical-subtropical waters (western North Pacific Ocean). PLoS ONE, 9(6): e100085. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100085 [SCI, 5-Year IF:4.015; Multidisciplinary Sciences:8/55=14.54%]

Liao Z. H., Hsieh H. Y. and Lo W. T. (2013) Influence of monsoon-driven hydrographic features on thaliacean distribution in waters around Taiwan, western North Pacific Ocean. Zoological Studies, 52:49. [SCI, 5-Year IF:1.155; Zoology:76/153=49.67%]

Lo W. T., Yu S. F. and Hsieh H. Y.* (2013) Effects of summer mesoscale hydrographic features on epipelagic siphonophore assemblages in the surrounding water of Taiwan, western North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Oceanography, 69: 495-509. [SCI, 5-Year IF:1.701; Oceanography:32/59=54.23%]

Hsieh H. Y., Yu S. F. and Lo W. T. (2013) Influence of monsoon-driven hydrographic features on siphonophore assemblages in the Taiwan Strait, western North Pacific Ocean. Marine and Freshwater Research, 64: 348-358. [SCI, 5-Year IF:2.191; Fisheries:10/50=20%]

Lo W. T., Kang P. R. and Hsieh H. Y.* (2012) Siphonophores from a transect off southern Taiwan between Kuroshio and South China Sea. Zoological Studies, 51: 1354-1366. [SCI, 5-Year IF:1.155; Zoology:76/153=49.67%]

Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T. and Wu L. J. (2012) Community structure of larval fish from the southeastern Taiwan Strait: an attempt linked with the seasonal monsoon-driven currents. Zoological Studies, 51: 679-691. [SCI, 5-Year IF:1.155; Zoology:76/153=49.67%]

Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Wu L. J., Liu D. C. (2012) Larval fish assemblages in the Taiwan Strait, western North Pacific: linking with monsoon-driven mesoscale current system. Fisheries Oceanography, 21: 125-147. [SCI, 5-Year IF:2.795; Fisheries:4/50=8%]

Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Wu L. J., Liu D. C. and Su W. C. (2011) Comparison of distribution patterns of larval fish assemblages in the Taiwan Strait between northeasterly and southwesterly monsoons. Zoological Studies, 50: 491-505. [SCI, 5-Year IF:1.155; Zoology:76/153=49.67%]

Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Wu L. J., Liu D. C. and Su W. C. (2011) Monsoon-driven succession of the larval fish assemblage in the East China Sea shelf waters off northern Taiwan. Journal of Oceanography, 67: 159-172. [SCI, 5-Year IF:1.701; Oceanography:32/59=54.23%]

Su W. C., Lo W. T., Liu D. C., Wu L. J. and Hsieh H. Y.* (2011) Larval fish assemblages in the Kuroshio waters east of Taiwan during two distinct monsoon seasons. Bulletin of Marine Science, 87(1): 13-29. [SCI, 5-Year IF:1.494; Marine and Freshwater Biology:55/103=53.39%]

Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Liu D. C. and Su W. C. (2010) Influence of hydrographic features on larval fish distribution during the south-westerly monsoon in the waters of Taiwan, western North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology, 76: 2521-2539. [SCI, 5-Year IF:1.870; Fisheries:16/50=32%]

Lo W. T., Hsieh H. Y.*, Wu L. J., Jian H. B., Liu D. C. and Su W. C. (2010) Comparison of larval fish assemblages between during and after northeasterly monsoon in the waters around Taiwan, western North Pacific. Journal of Plankton Research, 32(7): 1079-1095. [SCI, 5-Year IF:2.419; Marine and Freshwater Biology:28/103=27.18%]

Su Y. T., Hsieh H. Y., Lo W. T., Wu L. J. and Su W. C. (2010) Spatial and temporal assemblage structures of thaliaceans (Tunicata) in relation to hydrography in the waters off southern Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research, 18(2): 17-30.

Hsieh H. Y., Su Y. T., Lo W. T. and Wu L. J. (2010) Spatiotemporal variations of abundance and species compositions of larval fish in Tapeng Bay. Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research, 18(1): 1-11