職稱:教授 兼任海洋科學學院副院長
國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 博士 1992/09 至 1998/06
國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 碩士 1989/09 至 1991/06
國立東華大學通識教育中心 教授 2020/08-迄今
國立東華大學海洋生物研究所 海洋學院副院長 2020/08-迄今
中華民國珊瑚礁學會 理監事會 2016/01/17-2021/01/16
臺灣海域保護及監測協會 委員 2013/02-迄今
中華民國自然生態保育協會 第十二屆理事 2018/08-迄今
國立東華大學通識教育中心 教授 2020/08-
國立東華大學海洋生物研究所 教授 2014/08-2020/07
國立東華大學海洋生物多樣性及演化研究所 教授 2012/08-2014/07
國立海洋生物博物館生物馴養組 研究員 2011/11-2020/07
國立東華大學海洋生物多樣性及演化研究所 副教授 2009/12-2012/07
國立海洋生物博物館生物馴養組 副研究員 2008/08-2011/11
國立東華大學海洋生物多樣性及演化研究所 助理教授 2005/08-2009/11
國立海洋生物博物館生物馴養組 助理研究員 2000/11-2008/08
實踐大學食品營養系 博士後研究 1999/09-2000/07
中央研究院化學研究所 博士後研究 1998/08-2000/11
中央研究院國際環境科學委員會中華民國委員會 院聘任委員 2018/01-2019/12
中華民國海洋學會 第三屆理事 2017/08-2018/07
中央研究院太平洋科學協會中華民國委員會 院聘任委員 2013/10-2019/12
Refereed paper
Chiu, P.-S., Leu, M.-Y.* and Meng, P.-J. (2019) Year-round natural spawning, early development, and the effects of temperature, salinity and prey density on captive ornate goby Istigobius ornatus (Ruppell, 1830) larval survival. Aquaculture Research, 50:173-187.
Hsieh, H.Y., Huang, K.C., Cheng, J.O., Lo, W.T., Meng, P.J., Ko, F.C.* (2019) Environmental Effects on the Bioaccumulation of PAHs in Marine Zooplankton in Gaoping Coastal Waters, Taiwan: Concentration, Distribution, Profile, and Sources. Marine Pollution Bulletin, accepted.
Esther Kadiene, Pei-Jie Meng, Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Sami Souissi (2019) Acute and chronic toxicity of cadmium on the copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandalei: A life history traits approach. Chemosphere. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.05.220
Leu, M.Y.*; Tai, K.Y.; Meng, P.J.; Tang, C.H.; Wang, P.H.; Tew, K.S. 2018 Embryonic, larval and juvenile development of the longfin batfish, Platax teira (Forsskål, 1775) under controlled conditions with special regard to mitigate cannibalism for larviculture. Aquaculture. 493: 204–213. SCI (IF=2.570, Fisheries: 8/50).
Sujune Tsai*, Gabriella Chong, Pei-Jie Meng, and Chiahsin Lin (2018) Sugars as supplemental cryoprotectants for marine organisms. Reviews in Aquaculture 10(3): 703-715 [SCI]. August 2018. https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12195
Chia hsin Lin, Jian-Ming Zhuo, Gabriella Chong, Li-Hsueh Wang, Pei-Jie Meng, and Sujune Tsai (2018). The effects of aquarium culture on coral oocyte ultrastructure. Scientific Reports. 8:15159 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-33341-x
Jeng-Wei Tsai, Hon-Jung Liew, Jyun-Jiang Jhang, Shiou-Han Hung, Pei-Jie Meng, Ming-Yih Leu, Christopher Lim, Cheng-Hao Tang (2018) A field and laboratory study of the responses of cytoprotection and osmoregulation to salinity stress in mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Fish Physiol Biochem. 44:489–502
Meng Pei-Jie, Kwee Siong Tew, Hung-Yen Hsieh, and Chung-Chi Chen (2017) Relationship between magnitude of phytoplankton blooms and rainfall in a hyper-eutrophic lagoon: a continuous monitoring approach. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 124:897-902. Rank :9/106
Chung-Chi Chen, Kwee Siong Tew, Ping-Ho Ho, Fung-Chi Ko, Hung-Yen Hsieh**, Pei-Jie Meng*(2017) The impact of two oil spill events on the water quality along coastal area of Kenting National Park, Southern Taiwan. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 124:974-983. [SCI]
Hung-Yen Hsieh, Pei-Jie Meng*, Yun-Chen Chang, Wen-Tseng Lo*(2017) Temporal and spatial occurrence of mesopelagic fish larvae during epipelagic drift associated with hydrographic features in the Gaoping coastal waters off southwestern Taiwan. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 9, 244-259 [SCI]
Tew, K.S.*, Siao, Y.-J., Liu, P.-J., Lo, W.-T. and Meng, P.-J. (2017) Taiwanese marine microbenthic algal communities remain similar yet chlorophyll a concentrations rise in mesocosms with elevated CO2 and temperature. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 124:929-937 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.06.050.
Tew, K.S.*, Jhange, Y.-S., Meng, P.-J. and Leu, M.-Y. 2017. Environmental factors influencing the proliferation of microscopic epiphytic algae on the giant kelp under aquarium conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology. Doi: 10.1007/s10811-017-1148-9. (Online 2017-05-16) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10811-017-1148-9
Kwee Siong Tew*, Yun-Chen Chang, Pei-Jie Meng, Ming-Yih Leu & David C Glover (2016) Towards sustainable exhibits – application of an inorganic fertilization method in coral reef fish larviculture in an aquarium. Aquaculture Research, 47:2748–2756. doi:10.1111/are.12725.
Hung-Yen Hsieh*, Wen-Tseng Lo, Hsiao-Hao Chen and Pei-Jie Meng* (2016) Larval fish assemblages and hydrographic characteristics in the coastal waters of southwestern Taiwan during non- and post-typhoon summers. Zoological Studies. 55:1-18 doi:10.6620/ZS.2016.55-18 [SCI] Impact factor: Rank:
Chen, T.H.*, Chou, S. M., Tang, C.H., Chen, C.Y., Meng, P.J., Ko, F.C., Cheng, J.O. 2016. Endocrine disrupting effects of domestic wastewater on reproduction, sexual behavior, and gene expression in the brackish medaka Oryzias melastigma. Chemosphere 150: 566e575 [SCI] Impact factor: Rank:
Yu-Rong Cheng, Anderson B. Mayfield, Pei-Jie Meng, Chang-Feng Dai and Rony Huys (2016) Copepods associated with scleractinian corals: a worldwide checklist and a case study of their impact on the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pocilloporidae). Zootaxa. Oct 11;4174(1):291-345. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4174.1.20.
Meng, Pei-Jie, Hung-Jen Lee, Tew Kwee Siong, Chung-Chi Chen* (2015) Effect of a rainfall pulse on phytoplankton bloom succession in a hyper-eutrophic subtropical lagoon. Marine and Freshwater Research. 66(3) 60-69 [SCI] Impact factor:1.982 Rank: 12/49
Jeng-Ping Chen, Colin Kuo-Chang Wen, Pei-Jie Meng, Kah Leng Cherh, Kwang-Tsao Shao (2015) Ain’t no mountain high enough: the impact of severe typhoon on montane stream fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 98(1) 35-44. (SCI, IF=1.305 , Rank:53/100 ) DOI: 10.1007/s10641-014-0243-x
Ming-Yih Leu†, Jan-Jung Li, Yu-min Ju, Cher-Ming Hsiao, Chih-Wei Chang, Pei-Jie Meng†, Kwee Siong Tew*, and Wei-Hsien Wang (2015) Transportation, husbandary, and release of a whale shark (Rhincodon typus). Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 814-818,†Equal contributed. (SCI, IF=0.671, Rank: )DOI: 10.6119/JMST-015-0511-3
Leu, M.-Y.* Sune, Y.-H. and Meng, P.-J. (2015) First results of larval rearing and development of the bluestriped angelfish Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis (Temminck & Schlegel) from hatching through juvenile stage with notes on its potential for aquaculture. Aquaculture Research, 46:1087-1100. DOI: 10.1111/are.12265. (SCI) Impact factor: 1.422 Rank: 23/49.
Pi-Jen Liu, Min-Chieh Hsin, Yen-Hsun Huang, Tung-Yung Fan, Pei-Jie Meng, Chung-Cheng Lu, and Hsing-Juh Lin (2015) Nutrient enrichment coupled with sedimentation favors sea anemones over corals. PLoS ONE. 10(4): e0125175. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125175. (SCI) Impact factor:3.73 Rank: 7/ 56.
Jih-Terng Wang, Chia-Min Hsu, Chao-Yang Kuo, Pei-Jie Meng, Shuh-Ji Kao, Chaolun Allen Chen (2015) Physiological Outperformance at the Morphologically-Transformed Edge of the Cyanobacteriosponge Terpios hoshinota (Suberitidae: Hadromerida) when Confronting Opponent Corals. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0131509. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131509. (SCI) Impact factor:3.73 Rank: 7/ 56.
Tew Kwee Siong, Pei-Jie Meng*, David C. Glover, Jih-Terng Wang, Ming-Yih Leu and Chung-Chi Chen (2014) Characterizing and predicting algal blooms in a subtropical coastal lagoon. Marine and Freshwater Research. 65(3) 191-197 DOI: 10.1071/MF13029 [SCI]Impact factor:1.982 Rank: 12/49 (Feb,2014)
Tew Kwee Siong, Ming-Yih Leu, Jih-Terng Wang, Chia-Ming Chang, Chung-Chi Chen and Pei-Jie Meng**(2014) A continuous, real-time water quality monitoring system for the coral reef ecosystems of Nanwan Bay, southern Taiwan. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 85:641-647. [SCI] DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.11.022 Impact factor:2.531 Rank: 17/100
Keshavmurthy, Shashank, Meng, Pei-Jie, Wang, Jih-Terng, Kuo, Chao-Yang, Yang, Sung-Yin, Hsu, Chia-Min, Gan, Chai-Hsia, Dai, Chang-Feng, Chen, Chaolun Allen (2014) Can resistant coral-Symbiodinium associations enable coral communities to survive climate change? A study of a site exposed to long-term hot water input. PeerJ. 2:e327; DOI 10.7717/peerj.327 (SCI, IF=2.10 , Rank: )
Chen Te-Hao, Chia-Chi Lin, Pei-Jie Meng (2014) Zinc oxide nanoparticles alter embryonic development and larval locomotor activity in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Hazardous Materials. 277:134-140. (SCI, IF=3.925, Rank:2/122)
Tew Kwee Siong, Yu-Chen Kao, Fung-Chi Ko, Jimmy Kuo, Pei-Jie Meng, Pi-Jen Liu, David C. Glover (2014) Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on the growth, elemental composition, and cell size of two marine diatoms: potential implications of global climate change. Hydrobiologia, 741:79-87. (SCI, IF=1.985 , Rank: 35/100) DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-1856-y
Kuo, J., Tew, K.S.*, Ye, Y.-X., Cheng, J.-O., Meng, P.-J., and Glover, D. C. (2014) Picoplankton dynamics and picoeukaryote diversity in a hyper-eutrophic subtropical lagoon. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. 49, 116–124 (SCI, IF=1.190, Rank:131/205)
Tew, K.S.*, Meng, P.-J., Lin, H.-S., Chen, J.-H., Leu, M.-Y.* (2013) Experimental evalution of inorganic fertilization in larval giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus Bloch) production. Aquaculture Research, 44(3): 439-450. *Equal contributed. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2011.03051. Impact factor: 1.422 Rank: 23/49.
Lin C., Y. L.H. Wang, P.J. Meng, C.S. Chen and S. Tsai (2013) Lipid content and composition of oocytes from five coral species: potential implications for future cryopreservation efforts. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57823. (SCI) Impact factor:3.73 Rank: 7/ 56.
Anderson B. Mayfield, M.-N. Chen, P.-J. Meng, H.-J. Lin, C.-S. Chen, P.-J. Liu (2013) The physiological response of the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis to elevated temperature: results from coral reef mesocosm experiments in Southern Taiwan. Marine Environmental Research. 86:1-11 (SCI) Impact factor:2.337 Rank:20 /100 .
Liu Pi-Jen, Pei-Jie Meng*, Li-Lian Liu, Jih-Terng Wang, Ming-Yih Leu (2012) Impacts of human activities on coral reef ecosystems of southern Taiwan: a long-term study. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 64:1129–1135. [SCI] DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.03.031 Impact factor:2.531 Rank: 17/100 (2012 June)
Kuo Chao-Yang, Yeong Shyan Yuen, Pei-Jie Meng, Ping-Ho Ho, Jih-Terng Wang, Pi-Jen Liu, Yang-Chi Chang, Chang-Feng Dai, Tung-Yung Fan, Hsing-Juh Lin, Andrew Hamilton Baird, Chaolun Allen Chen (2012) Recurrent disturbances cause a shift in the structure of coral Communities. PLoS ONE 7(8):e44364. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044364 (SCI). Impact factor:3.73 Rank: 7/ 56
Kuo, J.Y., Ko, F.C., Cheng, J.O., Meng, P.J., Li, J.J. (2012) Environmental assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in the surface sediments of a remote region on the eastern coast, Taiwan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.184:2967–2979. (SCI) DOI: 10.1007/s10661-011-2164-x (IF: 1.592, Ranking: 116/209 )
Wang Jih-Terng, Yi-Yun Chen, Pei-Jie Meng, Yu-Hsuan Sune, Gar-Min Hsu, Kuo-Yen Wei, Chaolun Allen Chen (2012) Diverse interactions between corals and the coral-killing sponge, Terpios hoshinota (Suberitidae; Hadromerida) Zoological Studies. 51(2):150-159. (SCI) Impact factor: 1.261 Rank:59/149.
Wang Jih-Terng *, Euichi Hirose*, Gar-min Hsu, Yi-Yun Chen, Pei-Jie Meng, Chaolun Allen Chen (2012) Coral-killing sponge, Terpios hoshinota, releases larvae harboring cyanobacterial symbionts: an implication of dispersal. Zoological Studies. 51(3)314-320. (SCI) I Impact factor: 1.261 Rank:59/149.
Wang Jih-Terng, Pei-Jie Meng, Yi-Yun Chen, and Chaolun Allen Chen(2012) Determination of the thermal tolerance of symbiodinium using the activation energy for inhibiting photosystem II activity. Zoological Studies. 51(2):137–142. (SCI) Impact factor: 1.261 Rank:59/149.
Huang Yuan-Chao Angelo, Shou-Chung Huang, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, Pei-Jie Meng, Chaolun Allen Chen (2012) Changes in sedimentation, sediment characteristics, and benthic macrofaunal assemblages around marine cage culture under seasonal monsoon scales in a shallow-water bay in Taiwan. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 422-423C:55–63. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2012.04.008 (SCI). Impact factor:2.263 Rank: 27/100.
Huang Yuan-Chao Angelo, Shou-Chung Huang, Pei-Jie Meng, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, Chaolun Allen Chen (2012) Influence of strong monsoon winds on the water quality around a marine cage-culture zone in a shallow and semi-enclosed bay in Taiwan. Marine pollution Bulletin. 64:851-860 (SCI) Impact factor:2.531 Rank: 17/100.
Tew Kwee Siong, Pei-Jie Meng, Ming-Yih Leu (2012) Factors correlating with deterioration of giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Laminariales, Heterokontophyta) in an aquarium setting. Journal of Applied Phycology 24:1269-1277. (SCI) DOI: 10.1007/s10811-011-9775-z. Impact factor: 2.326 Rank:21/100.
Leu Ming-Yih, Pei-Jie Meng, Kwee Siong Tew, Jimmy Kuo and Chun-Chin Hung (2012) Spawning and Development of Larvae and Juveniles of the Indian Ocean Oriental Sweetlips, Plectorhinchus vittatus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Aquarium. Journal of the world aquaculture society. 43(5): 595-606 (SCI). Impact factor: 0.753 Rank:38/49.
Hsieh Wei-Jiun, Chung-Chi Chen, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Jia-Jang Hung, Kuo-Ping Chiang, Pei-Jie Meng, and Kuo-Shuh Fan (2012) Community metabolism in a tropical lagoon, Taiwan: Carbon cycling and an autotrophic ecosystem induced by a natural nutrient pulse. Environmental Engineering Science. 29(8): 776-782. doi:10.1089/ees.2011.0252. (SCI). Impact factor: 1.154, Rank: 141/209.
Wang Ying-Pin, Kwee Siong Tew, Jimmy Kuo, Fung-Chi Ko, Pei-Jie Meng (2012 ) The effect of coral polyp sizes and coral exudates on picoeukaryote dynamics in a controlled environment. Scientia Marina. 76(3): 455-461. DOI: 10.3989/scimar.03405.02A. (SCI). Impact factor:1.006 Rank: 65/100.
Keshavmurthy Shashank, Chia-Min Hsu, Chao-Yang Kuo, Pei-Jie Meng, Jih-Terng Wang, Chaolun Allen Chen (2012) Symbiont community and host genetic structure of the brain coral, Platygyra verweyi, in the outlet of a nuclear power plant and adjacent areas. Molecular Ecology. 21(17) 4393-407. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05704.x.(SCI). Impact factor:6.275, Rank:10 /136 .
Wang Jih-Terng, Yi-Yun Chen, Kwee Siong Tew, Pei-Jei Meng, Chaolun A. Chen (2012) Physiological and biochemical performances of mentholinduced aposymbiotic corals. PLoS ONE 7(9): e46406. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0046406 (SCI). Impact factor:3.73 Rank: 7/ 56.
孟培傑 (2012) 為墾丁珊瑚生存環境之危機因子把脈—墾丁海域水體環境之監測與研究。科學發展月刊-2012年11月,43(11):874-875。
Liu Li-Lian, Jih-Terng Wang, Kou-Nan Chung, Ming-Yih Leu and Pei-Jie Meng*(2011) Distribution and accumulation of organotin species in seawaters, sediments and organisms collected from Taiwan mariculture areas. Marine pollution Bulletin 63:535–540. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.02.003 (SCI) Impact factor:2.531 Rank: 17/100.
Wang J-T, P-J Meng, E Sampayo, S-L Tang, C A Chen (2011) Photosystem II breakdown induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the freshly isolated Symbiodinium of Montipora (Scleractinia; Acropordiae). Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 422:51–62. doi:10.3354/meps08913. (SCI) Impact factor:2.546, Rank:16/100.
Huang Y. A., Hsieh H. J., Huang S.-C., Meng P.-J., Chen Y.-S., Keshavmurthy S., Nozawa Y., Chen CA (2011) Nutrient enrichment caused by marine cage culture and its influence on subtropical coral communities in turbid waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 423: 83–93. doi:10.3354/meps08944. (SCI) Impact factor:2.546, Rank:16/100.
Kuo Chao-Yang, Pei-Jie Meng, Ping-Ho Ho, Jih-Terng Wang, Jeng-Ping Chen, Yuh-Wen Chiu, Hsing-Juh Lin, Yang-Chi Chang, Tung-Yung Fan, and Chaolun Allen Chen (2011) Damage to the Reefs of Siangjiao Bay Marine Protected Area in Kenting National Park, Taiwan during Typhoon Morakot. Zoological Studies. Vol.50 (1), 85 (SCI) Impact factor: 1.261 Rank:59/149.
Ho Ping-Ho, Chao-Lun Chen, Pei-Jie Meng*, Jeng-Ping Chen, Yuh-Wen Chiu, Hsin-Juh Lin, Yang-Chi Chang, Bi-Ren Liu and Chia-Ming Chang ( 2011 ) Long-term Ecological Monitoring and Studies of Human Activities on the Marine Ecosystem of Kenting National Park. Bulletin of National Park, 21(3):37-64 (in Chinese).
Meng Pei-Jie* and Chia-Ming Chang (2011) Continuous Real Time Monitoring System of the Water Quality at Kenting National Park. Bulletin of National Park, 21(4):22-31 (in Chinese).
Meng Pei-Jie*, and Jih-Terng Wang (2010) An empirical technique to evaluate the UV irradiation time for highly polluted waters prior to ASV detection. Chinese Science Bulletin. 55(2):140―144, doi:10.1007/s11434-009-0556-x (SCI) Impact factor:1.319 Rank:18/56
Hsieh Wei-Chun, Hung-Jen, Lee, Kwee Siong Tew, Chitsan Lin, Kuo-shuh Fan and Pei-Jie Meng* (2010) Estimating Nutrient Budgets in a Coastal Lagoon. Chinese Science Bulletin55(6):484-492, doi:10.1007/s11434-009-0436-4(SCI) Impact factor:1.319 Rank:18/56
Wu Jingying, Pei-Jie Meng, Ming-Yie Liu, Yuh-Wen Chiu, Li-Lian Liu (2010) High Incidence of Imposex in Apple Snails of Pomacea Species in Taiwan: A Decade after the Ban of Triphenyltin. Zoological Studies. 49(1):85-93 (SCI) Impact factor: 1.261 Rank:59/149.
Leu Ming-Yih, Pei-Jie Meng, Chao-Sheng Huang, Kwee Siong Tew, Jimmy Kuo and Chyng-Hwa Liou (2010) Spawning behavior, early development, and first feeding of the bluestriped angelfish [Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)] in captivity. Aquacult. Res., 41:e39-e52. (SCI). Impact factor: 1.422 Rank: 23/49.
Tew Kwee Siong, Meng Pei-Jie*, Lee Hung-Jen, Ye Yi-Xiu, Kuo Jimmy, Fang Lee-Shing & Chou Wei-Rung (2010) Dynamics of phytoplankton and picoplankton over a tidal cycle in a subtropical lagoon. Chinese Science Bulletin 55(23):2522―2528, doi:10.1007/s11434-010-4107-2(SCI) Impact factor:1.319 Rank:18/56.
呂明毅、黃朝生、孟培傑、劉擎華(2010) 蓋刺魚類的人工繁殖。科學發展月刊-2010年10月454:48-53。
Cheng, J.O., Chen, E.R., Meng, P.J., Chen, T.H., Li, J.J., Wang, W.H., Ko, F.C. (2010). Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the seawater of Houwan affected by the grounding of the chemical tanker W-O Budmo. Platax 7: 61-72.
Nuzhat Afsar, Ghazala Siddiqui, Pei- Jie. Meng, Ching-Ya Yen, Zarrien Ayub (2011) Preliminary investigation of organotin accumulation in three species of neogastropods from Pakistan (Northern Arabian Sea). Pakistan Journal of Oceanography, Volume 6(1): 33-38.
Meng Pei-Jie, Junda Lin and Li-Lian Liu (2009) Aquatic organotin pollution in Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Management, 90:S8-S15 (SCI) Impact factor: 3.057 Rank:39/209
Leu, M.- Y., Liou, C- H., Wang, W.- H., Yang , S.- D. and Meng, P.- J. * ( 2009) Natural spawning, early development, and first feeding of the semicircle angelfish [Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier, 1831)] in captivity. Aquaculture Research, 2009, 40, 1019-1030. Impact factor: 1.422 Rank: 23/49.
Liu Pi-Jen, Shiue-Ming Lin, Tung-Yung Fan, Pei-Jie Meng, Kwang-Tsao Shao, Hsing-Juh Lin*(2009) Rates of overgrowth by macroalgae and attack by sea anemones are greater for live coral than dead coral under conditions of nutrient enrichment.(SCI) Limnol. Oceanogr., 54(4), 2009, 1167–1175 Impact factor: 3.405, Rank:1/20
Lee Hung-Tsai, Hung-Jen Lee, Ching-Ming Kuo, Jih-Terng Wang, Ming-Yih Leu and Pei-Jie Meng*(2009) Optimal dose of total residual oxidants for hybrid tilapia (Oreochormis mossambicus × O. niloticus) and whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in ozone-treated sea water. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture–Bamidgeh. 61(4):356-362 (SCI) Impact factor: 0.432 Rank:44/49.
Meng Pei-Jie*, Hung-Jen Lee, Jih-Terng Wang, Chung-Chi Chen, Hsing-Juh Lin, Kwee Siong Tew and Wei-Jiun Hsieh (2008) A long-term survey on anthropogenic impacts to the water quality of coral reefs, southern Taiwan. Environmental Pollution 156:67-75 (SCI) Impact factor: 3.730 Rank: 20/209.
Wang Jih-Terng, Ming-Hui Chen, Hung-Jen Lee, Wen-Been Chang, Chung-Chi Chen, Su-Cheng Pai, and Pei-Jie Meng* (2008) A model to predict total chlorine residue in the cooling seawater of a power plant using an iodine colorimetric method. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 9:542-553 (SCI) Impact factor: 2.732. Rank:48/152
Lin Hsing-Juh, Chen-Yi Wu, Wen-Yuan Kao, Shuh-Ji Kao, Pei-Jie Meng (2007) Mapping anthropogenic nitrogen through point sources in coral reefs using d15N in macroalgae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 335:95-109 (SCI) Impact factor:2.711 Rank:12/97.
Liao Ming-Hui, Sen-Ling Tang, Chia-Ming Hsu, Kou-Chang Wen, Henry Wu, Wen-Ming Chen, Jih-Terng Wang, Pei-Jie Meng, Wen-Hong Twan, Chang-Feng Dai, Keryea Soong, and Chaolun Allen Chen (2007) The“Black Disease”of Reef-Building Corals at Green Island, Taiwan - Outbreak of a Cyanobacteriosponge, Terpios hoshinota (Suberitidae; Hadromerida). Zoological Studies. 46 (4):520 (SCI) Impact factor: 0.975 Rank:78/146.
Meng Pei-Jie, Kuo-Nan Chung, Jeng-Ping Chen, Ming-Hui Chen, Ming-Chin Liu, Yang-Chi Chang, Tung-Yunn Fan, Hsin-Juh Lin, Bi-Ren Liu, Chia-Ming Chang, Lee-Shing Fang, Kwang-Tsao Shao (2007) Long-term ecological monitoring and studies of human activities on the marine ecosystem of Kenting National Park.. Bulletin of National Park, 17(2):89-111(in Chinese).
Meng Pei-Jie, Kuo-Nan Chung, Jeng-Ping Chen, Ming-Hui Chen, Ming-Chin Liu, Yang-Chi Chang, Tung-Yunn Fan, Hsin-Juh Lin, Bi-Ren Liu, Chia-Ming Chang, Lee-Shing Fang, Kwang-Tsao Shao (2007) Long-term ecological monitoring on the marine ecosystem of Kenting National Park. Bulletin of National Park, 17(2):71-88 (in Chinese).
Wu Jing-Ying, Yu-Chih Liu, Pei-Jie Meng, Yuh-Wen Chiu and Li-Lian Liu(2006) Local distribution and temperature preferences of predatory whelks (Thais spp.) in Taiwan: implications for oyster culture. J. Shellfish Res. 25 (2):379-384. [SCI] Impact factor:0.793 Rank:73/97
謝謂君、孟培傑、張桂祥、李宏仁、張鈺鋒、樊國恕(2006) 大鵬灣赤潮形成環境因子之研究。中華民國環境工程學會 2006 環境規劃與管理研討會,台中,民國九十五年十一月17~18日。
Chen Chung-Chi, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Hung-Jen Lee, Kuo-Yuan Li, Pei-Jie Meng, Shui-Ji Kao, Yu-Fang Tseng, Chia-Lu Chung(2005) Phytoplankton and bacterioplankton biomass, production and turnover in a semi-closed embayment with spring tide induced upwelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series 304:91-100 [SCI] Impact factor:2.711 Rank:12/97.
Meng P.J*., J.T. Wang, L.L. Liu, M.H. Chen and T.C. Hung(2005) Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of tributyltin and Triphenyltin on oysters and rockshells collected from Taiwan mariculture area. Science of the total environment 349: 140-149 [SCI] Impact factor:3.286 Rank:29/205
謝謂君、孟培傑、樊國恕(2005) 大鵬灣營養鹽通量之研究。中華民國環境工程學會第十八屆環境規劃與管理研討會,中壢,民國九十四年十一月18~19日。
Meng, P.-J., J.-P. Chen, K.-N. Chung, M.-C. Liu, T.-Y. Fang, C.-M.Chang, W.-M. Tian, Y.-C. Chang, H.-J. Lin, L.-S. Fang and K.-T.Shao( 2004 ) Long-term ecological studies in Kenting National Park neighboring marine areas, on monitoring the impact factors from anthropogenic activities to the marine ecosystem and a preliminary database of its marine ecosystem. Bulletin of National Park, 14(2):43-69 (in Chinese).
Meng, P.-J. (2004) Water quality in Kenting coral reefs. The report of long term ecological research at Nanwan of Kenting National Park, NSC, 59-80 (in Chinese).
Meng P.J*., J.T. Wang, B.C. Han and T.C. Hung (2003) An algorithm for eliminating the interference derived from organic ligands in heavy metal analysis by anodic stripping voltammetry. Acta Oceanogr. Taiwanica 41:33-46 [NSC90-2313-B-291-001]
Meng, P.J, B.C.Han, W.K. Hsu, A. Chuang, J.H. Cheng and Hung, T.C. (2003) Bioaccumulation and elimination of tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPhT) in oysters and rock shells. J.Food and Drug Analysis, 11(2):96-101. [NSC89-2621-B-002-036] [SCI ] Impact factor:0.643 Rank:89/128
孟培傑(2003)墾丁珊瑚礁海域海水水質之研究。墾丁國家公園南灣海域長期生態研究,研究成果論文集(I) 行政院國家科學委員會,民國九十二年八月一日。
Hsieh Chin Hui., P.J. Meng* (2002) Two economical types of seawater recirculating aquaculture systems water quality investigation for Hi-Q Bio-Tech International Ltd.. Fourth International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, Roanoke, Virginia, 18-21 July 2002, pp. 414-417.
Chien L.C., T.C.Hung, K.Y.Choang, C.Y.Yeh, P.J.Meng, M.J.Shieh, B.C.Han (2002) Daily intake of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As for fishermen in Taiwan. Science of total Environ. 285:177-185(SCI) Impact factor:3.286 Rank:29/205
Meng, P.J.*, Hung, T.C.,W.L. Jeng, Han, B.C., and L.S. Fung (2001) Complexation of heavy metals by humic substances in sediments from the polluted Erhjin estuary ,Taiwan. Acta Oceanogr. Taiwanica 39:29-38
Hung, T.C., Hsu, W.K. Meng, P.J. and Chuang, A. (2001) Organotins and imposex in the rock shell, Thais clavigera, from the Taiwan oyster mariculture area. Environ. Pollut. 112(2): 145-152 [NSC88-2311-B-002-045] [SCI] Impact factor:3.746 Rank:21/205
Hung, T.C., Meng, P.J, Han, B.C., Chuang, A. and Huang, C.C. (2001) Trace metals in species of mollusca, water and sediments from Taiwan coastal area. Chemosphere. 44(4):835-843[SCI] Impact factor:3.206 Rank:32/205 [NSC87-2621-B-002A-001-Z; NSC86-2621-B-002A-001-Z].
Hung, T.C., Meng, P.J., Chuang, A., Wu, S.J. and Chen, C.C. (2001) Distribution of Organotins in sediments and mussels/bivalves along the coast of Taiwan. 台灣地區持久性有機污染物(POPs)風險管理,行政院環境保護署,4-18. [NSC88-2311-B-002-045]
Hung, T.C., Meng, P.J. and Chuang, A. (2000) Species of trace metals, organic residues and humic substances in sediments from the Taiwan Erhjin river and coastal area. Chem. and Ecol. 17:195-214 [NSC87-2621-B-002A-001Z; NSC86-2621-B-002A-001-Z; NSC85-2621-B-002A-001-YZ]. [SCI] Impact factor:0.615 Rank:115/131
Hung, T.C., Hsu, W.K., Meng, P.J.. and Chuang, A. (2000) Species of organotins in imposex of rock shells and hermaphroditic oysters from the western coast of Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica. 47:1-12 [NSC89-2621-B-002-003; NSC88-2311-B-002-045].
Jeng, M.S., Jeng, W.L., Hung, T.C., Yeh, C.Y., Tseng, R.J., Meng, P.J.., Han, B.C. (2000) Mussel Watch: A review of copper and other metals in various marine organisms in Taiwan, 1991-98. Environ. Pollut., 110: 207-215. [SCI] [NSC87-2621-B-002A-001Z;NSC86-2621-B-002A-001-Z;NSC87-2621-B-038-002-Z]. Impact factor:3.746 Rank:21/205
洪楚璋、許元東、孟培傑、莊淑華(2000)環境內分泌干擾物質: 臺灣養殖地區牡蠣及蚵岩螺中有機錫物種之研究.行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所檢驗雜誌 31: 14-24. [NSC89-2621-B-002-003; NSC88-2311-B-002-045].
Huang R., W.R.Liao, C.C.Huang and P.J. Meng (2000) The influence of deeper on phytoplankton growth and production- A culture study. Acta Oceanogr. Taiwanica 38: 153-162
Hung, T.C., Huang, C.C., Meng, P.J.., Chuang, A.and Wu, S.J. (1999) Heavy metals in fish tissues and different species of fish from the southern coast of Taiwan. Chem. & Ecol. 16: 283-296. [SCI] [NSC87-2621-B-002A-001-Z; NSC86-2621-B-002A-001-Z]. Impact factor:0.615 Rank:115/131
Han, B.C., W.L. Jeng, M.S. Jeng, L.T. Kao, Meng, P.J., Y.L. Huang (1997) Rock-Shells (Thais Clavigera) as an indicator of As, Cu and Zn contamination on the Putai coast of the Black-foot disease area in Taiwan. Arch Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 32:456-461. [SCI]
Meng, P.J. and Hung, T.C. (1997) Complexing capacity of heavy metals with humic substances in sediments from the Taiwan Erhjin Chi coastal area. Toxicol. And Environ. Chem. 64: 61-73 [SCI] [NSC84-2621-B-002A-001].
Hung, T.C., Meng, P.J. and Chuang, A. (1996) Restoration of the marine ecological environment along the Charting coastal area: Chemical study, Chem. and Ecol. (England) 12: 3-13. [SCI] [NSC84-2621-B-002A-001, NSC83-0421B-002A-002Z, and NSC82-0421-B-002A-007Z].
Hung, T.C., Tsay, S.C.and Meng, P.J. (1995) Copper organically bound with humic substances and organic residues in Taiwan sediments. Environ. Geochem. and Health 16: 231-246. [SCI] NSC81-0421-B-002A-01, NSC80-0421-B-002A-001Z].[SCI]
Hung, T.C. and Meng, P.J. (1995) Interactions among the copper species in seawater/sediments and bioaccumulation along the mariculture area in Taiwan. Chem. and Ecol. (England) 10: 47-60. [NSC82-0421-B-002A-007Z]. [SCI]
Hung, T.C., Meng, P.J. and Wu, S.J. (1993) Species of copper and zinc in sediments collected from the Antarctic Ocean and the Taiwan Erhjin Chi coastal area. Environ. Pollut. (England) 80(3), 223-230. [SCI] [NSC80-0421-B-002A-001Z].
Hung, T.C. and Meng, P.J. (1992) Species of manganese, iron, lead, chromium and cadmium in the Antarctic Ocean and the Taiwan Erhjin Chi coastal sediments. Acta Oceanogr. Taiwanica 28: 58-68. [NSC80-0421-B-002A-01Z].
Hung, T.C., Meng, P.J. and Tsai, C.C.H. (1992) Relations among the species of copper in water, sediments and biomass along the Taiwan Erhjin Chi coastal area. Bull. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sin. 39, 77-90.
洪楚璋、孟培傑、郭錦洛 (1990) 茄萣養殖地區海域環境中含銅量之研究。臺灣環境保護,5:20-25
Meng, P.J.; Lin, Y.M. and Hung, T.C. (1988) Study on radioactivity in the environment of Taiwan area. J. Environ. Prot. Soc., ROC, 11(2), 36-49.
Hung, T.C.; Meng, P.J.. and Tsai, C.C.H. (1987) Distribution of copper in the Taiwan mariculture area. J. Environ. Prot. Soc., ROC, 10(2), 13-34.
Hung, T.C.; Meng, P.J. and Chuang, A. (1987) Factors influence on the flow injection analysis”, Bull. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sin. 34, 1-7.
Conference papers
Meng Pei-Jie and Chi-Yen Huang (2018) Developing trophic state index of sea water-a case study of Dapeng Bay, southern Taiwan. ASLO 2018 Summer Meeting, 10-15 June, 2018, Victoria, BC, Canada.
孟培傑* (2017) 冷水入侵對珊瑚生理之影響-以台灣南灣為例。『第11屆海峽兩岸海洋科學研討會』,21-25 Aug, 2017,山東,中國。
周偉融、張桂祥、孟培傑、謝泓諺、方力行(2017) 海洋生物博物館海洋生態環境影響評估的量化驗證。 第七屆海峽兩岸珊瑚礁研討會,屏東,台灣。
孟培傑*、張家銘 (2017) 湧升流區二氧化碳源與匯之研究-以南灣海域為例。 第七屆海峽兩岸珊瑚礁研討會,屏東,台灣。
Yuan-Chao Angelo Huang, Bo-Shian Wang, Chen-Feng You, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, Pei-Jie Meng (2017) Heavy metal contaminations in Porites corals and sediments: record of anthropogenic activities from the Penghu Archipelago (the Pescadores), Taiwan. The 7th Cross-Strait Coral Reef Conference Pingtung, Taiwan.
Yu-Hsin Tu, Pei-Jie Meng, Wen-Chao Yeh, Yu-Sheng Hong, Ming-Yih Leu (2017) Captive breeding and early development of the bluestripe pipefish, Doryrhamphus excisus excisus (Kaup, 1856 ) The 7th Cross-Strait Coral Reef Conference, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Pei-Sheng Chiu, Pei-Jie Meng and Ming-Yih Leu (2017) Natural spawning, early development and larviculture of the dwarf hawkfish, Cirrhitichthys falco in captivity The 7th Cross-Strait Coral Reef Conference, Pingtung, Taiwan..
Pei-Jie Meng, Cheng-Hao Tang (2016) The impact of sub-lethal concentration of TBT on the growth of corals. 2016-TGA-海洋科學年會,台北南港展覽館。
Cheng-Hao Tang, Pei-Jie Meng (2016) Tributyltin toxicity in reef-building coral (Acropora spp.) assessed by molecular responses of antioxidant enzymes and oogenesis related genes. The 23rd Pacific Science Congress (PSC-23), June 13 -17, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
Li-Lian Liu, Pei-Jie Meng, Tsu-Chang Hung (2016) An overview of field and laboratory studies of environmental hormones and POPs on aquatic animals in Taiwan. The 23rd Pacific Science Congress (PSC-23), June 13-17, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
Hsieh HY, Chang YC, Meng PJ, Lo WT (2016) Mesopelagic fish larvae assemblages in the waters southwest of Taiwan: linking with the intrusion of the Kuroshio Branch Current. 40th Annual Larval Fish Conference, Solomons, MD, USA, 19-23 June, 2016.
Cheng-Hao Tang, Pei-Jie Meng*, Chung-Chi Chen, Kwee-Siong Tew and Hung-Yen Hsieh (2016) Two cases study of oil spill cue blooming along coastal of Kenting National Park, Southern Taiwan. 8th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology. 19-25, June 2016, Hong Kong, China.
Pei-Jie Meng*, Chung-Chi Chen (2016) Scaling phytoplankton bloom related to rainfall magnitude in a hyper-eutrophic lagoon: a continuous monitoring system approach. 8th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology. 19-25, June 2016, Hong Kong, China.
Cheng-Hao Tang, Shiou-Han Hung and Pei-Jie Meng (2016) Tributyltin toxicity in reef-building coral (Acropora spp.) assessed by molecular responses of antioxidant enzymes and oogenesis related genes. 8th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology. 19-25, June 2016, Hong Kong, China.
M. Y. Leu, P. J. Meng, C. H. Tang, p. H. Wang and S. H. Kao (2016) The potential impact of ocean acidification upon eggs and larvae of marine fishes. 8th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology. 19-25, June 2016, Hong Kong, China.
Pei-Jie Meng, Chung-Chi Chen (2015) Seasonal variability of carbonate system characteristics in a coral reef ecosystem, southern Taiwan. Joint Assembly, May 3-7, 2015. Montreal, Canada. AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU.
Chiu Pei-Sheng, Pei-Jie Meng and Ming-Yih Leu (2015) Natural spawning, early development and larviculture of the ornate goby lstigobius ornatus (Ruppell, 1830). The 6th International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biotechnology. 16-18 September 2015, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Leu Ming-Yih, Jan-Jung Li, Yu-Min Ju, Cher-Ming Hsiao, Chih-Wei Chang, Pei-Jie Meng, Kwee Siong Tew, and Wei-Hsien Wang (2015) Transportation, husbandary, and release of a whale shark (Rhincodon typus). The 6th International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biotechnology. 16-18 September 2015, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Hung Shiou-Han, Pei-Jie Meng and Cheng-Hao Tang (2015) Transcriptional regulation of heat shock response and antioxidative enzymes in Acropora spp. under tributyltin exposure. The 6th International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biotechnology. 16-18 September 2015, Pingtung, Taiwan.
孟培傑(2015) 台灣海洋環境的故事。第三屆海峽兩岸海洋生物多樣性研討會論文摘要集,民國104年8月31-9月4日,廈門,中國。
孟培傑(2015) 冷水入侵對南灣珊瑚礁生態之影響。「第六屆海峽兩岸珊瑚礁生物學與海洋保護區研討會」摘要集,民國104年10月12-14日,深圳,中國。(Keynote)
Kwee Siong Tew, Pei-Jie Meng, Ming-Yih Leu. (2015) Application of an inorganic fertilization method in coral reef fish larviculture. 39th Annual Larval Fish Conference. 12-17, July 2015, Vienna, Austria.
Hsieh H. Y., Chen H. H. and Meng P. J. (2015) Changes of hydrographic conditions and larval fish assemblages in the coastal waters southwest of Taiwan after the typhoon Tembin. 22-27 February, 2015, 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain.
Meng, P.J.; Leu, M.Y.; Tang, C.H.; Chen, C.C.; Tew, K.S.; Chang, C.M. (2015). Seasonal variability of carbonate system characteristics in a coral reef ecosystem, southern taiwan. 2015 World Aquaculture Society Meetings, May 26-30, Jeju, Korea.
Leu, M.Y.; Huang, C.Y.; Tang, C.H.; Meng, P.J. (2015). Captive breeding and early development of the ringed pipefish Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus (Syngnathidae). 2015 World Aquaculture Society Meetings, May 26-30, Jeju, Korea.
Tang, C.H.; Hsieh, Y.J.; Hu, S.Y.; Meng, P.J.; Leu, M.Y. (2015). Investigating the physiological responses to sublethal nitrite exposure in tilapia. 2015 World Aquaculture Society Meetings, May 26-30, Jeju, Korea.
Yu-Hui Lai, Pi-Jen Liu, Pei-Jie Meng, Hsing-Juh Lin (2014) Reef-building coral recruitment in the harbors of Taiwan. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Coral Reefs Symposium, June 23-27, 2014, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Shiou-Han Hung, Pei-Jie Meng, Cheng-Hao Tang (2014) Evaluation of the stress responses in coral upon temperature fluctuations caused by upwelling. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Coral Reefs Symposium, June 23-27, 2014, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Pin-Han Wang, Pei-Jie Meng, Cheng-Hao Tang and Ming-Yih Leu (2014) First results of larval rearing and development of the semicircle angelfish Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier, 1831) from hatching through juvenile stage. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Coral Reefs Symposium, June 23-27, 2014, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Hsu, W.-H.*, Leu, M.-Y., Meng, P.-J., and Tang, C.-H. (2014) Effects of delayed first feeding on growth and survival of longfin batfish (Platax teira) larvae. 2013 Symposium of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 18 January 2014, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Wang, P.-H.*, Leu, M.-Y., Meng, P.-J., and Tang, C.-H. (2014) Natural spawning and early life history of the semicircle angelfish, Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier, 1831) in captivity. 2013 Symposium of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 18 January 2014, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Liu C-W, P-J Liu*, P-J Meng, H-J Lin (2014) Exposure to elevated pCO2 affects the rate of asexual reproduction, but not the growth rate, of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii: results from an experimental mesocosm study in Southern Taiwan. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, 23-27 June 2014, Kenting, Taiwan.
劉弼仁*, 劉倩彣, 孟培傑, 林幸助 (2014)海水酸化促進熱帶泰來草的無性生殖。 2014第五屆台灣濕地研討會,2 May 2014,台北。
Liu P-J, C-W Liu, P-J Meng, H-J Lin (2014) Exposure to elevated pCO2 affects the rate of asexual reproduction, but not the growth rate, of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii: results from an experimental mesocosm study in Southern Taiwan. 『2014年海洋科學年會』暨『第10屆海峽兩岸海洋科學研討會』,29 April 2014,台北。
Pei-Jie Meng *, Jih-Terng Wang, Pi-Jen Liu, Cheng-Hao Tang, Yung-Sen Huang (2013) The contents of organotin in Taiwan’s coral reef and toxic response of coral to this pollutant. 2013年台灣地球科學聯合學術研討會-2013海洋科學年會,行政院國家科學委員會,桃園,2013年5月13~17日。
劉弼仁, Anderson B. Mayfield, 孟培傑, 林幸助, 張家銘, 陳夢妮, 辛旻桀。(2013)。以中觀生態池實驗探討全球氣候變遷改變海水表層溫度對珊瑚礁的影響。2013年台灣地球科學聯合學術研討會-2013海洋科學年會,行政院國家科學委員會,桃園,2013年5月13~17日。
Pei-Jie Meng, Chung-Chi Chen (2013) Natural nutrient pulse effects on the succession of phytoplankton communities in a tropical lagoon. International Conference on Challenges in Aquatic Sciences. March 15-21, 2013. National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
Cheng-Hao Tang, Pei-Jie Meng, Ming-Yih Leu, Guo-Kai Hong, Christopher Lim (2013) Field and laboratory investigation of physiological responses to osmotic stress in mosquitofish. International Conference on Challenges in Aquatic Sciences. March 15-21, 2013. National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
Kwee Siong Tew, David C. Glover, Jih-Terng Wang, Chung-Chi Chen, Ming-Yih Leu, Pei-Jie Meng* (2013) Using the N/P ratio to predict eutrophication in a coastal lagoon. International Conference on Challenges in Aquatic Sciences. March 15-21, 2013. National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
Yu-Hui Lai, Pi-Jen Liu, Pei-Jie Meng*(2013) Reef-building coral recruitment in selected harbors of Taiwan. International Conference on Challenges in Aquatic Sciences. March 15-21, 2013. National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
Ming-Yih Leu, Yu-Hsuan Sune, Pei-Jie Meng (2013) Early development of the angelfish Chaetodontoplus Septentrionalis, with notes on its potential for aquaculture. International Conference on Challenges in Aquatic Sciences. March 15-21, 2013. National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
Liu P-J, H-M Lin, Y-J Chang, M-C Hsin, Y-L Chuang, T-Y Fan, P-J Meng and H-J Lin (2013) The effects of grazing and nutrient enrichment on interactions between algae, coral, and sea anemones. International Conference on Challenges in Aquatic Sciences. March 15-21, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
Fan T.-Y., W.-T. Chen, W.-R. Chou, P.-J. Liu, P.-J. Meng, C.-J. Tan, L.-S. Fang. Ecological monitoring and structural equation model analysis of benthic community of coral reefs at Hengchun Penisula, southern Taiwan. International Conference on Challenges in Aquatic Sciences. Keelung, Taiwan.
孟培傑 (2013)墾丁國家公園海域珊瑚礁長期生態監測及經營管理。第五屆「海峽兩岸珊瑚礁研討會」摘要集,台北,民國102年7月6-8。pp.19。(Keynote)
洪俊欽、孟培傑、呂明毅、湯政豪(2013) 銀鱗鯧幼魚對亞硝酸急毒性耐受性之研究。「第五屆海峽兩岸珊瑚礁研討會」摘要集,台北,民國102年7月6-8。pp.19。
Hsiao-Ching Hsu, Ming-Yih Leu and Pei-Jie Meng*(2013) Natural spawning and early life history of the bluestreak cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus (Valenciennes, 1839) in captivity. 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (IPFC9), 24 -28, June 2013, Okinawa, Japan.
Chen-Hua Chen, Pei-Jie Meng, Kwee Siong Tew and Ming-Yih Leu* (2013) Natural spawning and early life history of the palette surgeonfish, Paracanthurus hepatus (Linnaeus, 1766) in captivity. 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (IPFC9), 24 -28, June 2013, Okinawa, Japan.
Pei-Jie Meng*, Jih-Terng Wang, Ming-Yih Leu and Chung-Chi Chen (2013) A Continuous Real Time Monitoring System for the Water Quality within Nanwan Bay– a coral reef ecosystem. 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, 17-21, June 2013, Hong-Kong.
Chen Chung-Chi and Pei-Jie Meng* (2013) Phytoplankton bloom induced by natural nutrient pulse in a tropical lagoon. 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, 17-21, June 2013, Hong-Kong.
Kwee Siong Tew*, Ching-Yi Chen, Wen-Been Chang, Pei-Jie Meng, and Ming-Yih, Leu. Experimental evaluation of inorganic fertilization in larval orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) production. 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (IPFC9), 24 -28, June 2013, Okinawa, Japan.
Pei-Jie Meng* (2013) Long-term ecological monitoring and management on the marine coral reef ecosystem of Kenting National Park。2013 「海洋事務研討會」論文集,高雄,民國103年11月13。(受邀演講)
Ching-Ya Yen, Pi-Jen Liu, Pei-Jie Meng* (2012) The effects of organotin on reproduction and growth of corals along the coast of Taiwan. 101年國科會海洋學門成果發表會,行政院國家科學委員會,高雄,2012年4月10~11日。
Hong GK, Liu PJ, Meng PJ, Lee TH, Lin HJ and Tang CH. (2012) Effects of different ambient temperatures on physiological responses of reef-associated species, orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). The Ichthyology Society of Taiwan 2012 Annual Meeting. May. 5, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Abstract, p.43 (Poster).
Yuan-Chao Angelo Huang, Shou-Chung Huang, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, Pei-Jie Meng, Chaolun Allen Chen (2012) Changes in sedimentation, sediment characteristics, and benthic macrofaunal assemblages around marine cage culture under seasonal monsoon scales in a shallow-water bay in Taiwan. 生物多樣性及長期生態學門規劃及成果發表會議,行政院國家科學委員會,屏東,2012年10月3~4日。
Jih-Terng Wang1, Shuh Ji Kao, Pei-Jei Meng and Chaolun A. Chen(2012) A coral-killing sponge Terpios hoshinota displays higher biological activity at the coral-contacting tissue mass. 生物多樣性及長期生態學門規劃及成果發表會議,行政院國家科學委員會,屏東,2012年10月3~4日。
Chia-Min Hsu, Shashank Keshavmurthy, Vianney Denis, Chao-Yang Kuo, Jih-Terng Wang, Pei-Jie Meng and Chaolun Allen Chen(2012) Consequence of natural and anthropogenic thermal stress: temporal-spatial variations of Symbiodinium communities in coral Isopora palifera in Kenting, southern Taiwan. 生物多樣性及長期生態學門規劃及成果發表會議,行政院國家科學委員會,屏東,2012年10月3~4日。
Chen, W.T. Chou, W.R. Liu, P.J. Meng, P.J. Fang, L.S. Fan, T.Y. (2012) Ecological monitoring and modeling analysis of benthic community structure of coral reefs at upwelling and non-upwelling areas in southern Taiwan. The 4th International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biotechnology. 20-22 September 2012, Pingtung,Taiwan.
Liu, P.J.* Meng, P.J. Lin, H.J. Mayfield, A.B. Chang, C.M. Chen, M.N. Su, S.H. Hsin M.C.(2012) Investigating the effects of global climate change on coral reef ecosystems of Taiwan: a mesocosm approach. 101年國科會海洋學門成果發表會,行政院國家科學委員會,高雄,2012年4月10~11日。
陳夢妮、Mayfield, A.B.、張家銘、劉弼仁、辛旻桀、孟培傑、林幸助 (2012)海水升溫對珊瑚的影響。 2012年動物行為、生態與全球變遷研討會。中華民國/台北,2012年1月17~18日。
Liu, P.J.* Mayfield, A.B. Meng, P.J. Lin, H.J. Chang, C.M. Chen, M.N. Hsin, M.C.(2012 ) Mesocosm-based approaches to studying the effects of global climate change on coral reef ecosystems. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, 9-13 July 2012, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
Kwee Siong Tew, Ying-Pin Wang, Jimmy Kuo, Fung-Chi Ko, Pei-Jie Meng. The effect of coral polyp sizes and coral exudates on picoeukaryote dynamics in a controlled environment. 2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Lake Biwa, Shiga, Japan. 8-13 July 2012, Japan.
Jih-Terng Wang, Euichi Hirose, Gar-Min Hsu, Yi-Yun Chen, Pei-Jie. Meng, Chaolun Allen Chen (2011) Coral-killing sponge, Terpios hoshinota, releases larvae harboring cyanobacterial symbionts: an implication of dispersal. The 4th Cross-Strait workshop on Coral Reef Biology and marine Protected Area. 3-7 September 2011, Guangzhou, China.
Jih-Terng Wang, Yi-Yun Chen, Pei-Jie. Meng, Yu-Hsuan Sune, Gar-Min Hsu, Kou-Yen Wei, Chaolun Allen Chen (2011) Insight into the interactions between Coral and a Coral-Invading sponge, Terpios hoshinota. The 4th Cross-Strait Workshop on Coral Reef Biology and Marine Protected Area. 3-7 September 2011, Guangzhou, China.
Pei-Jie Meng, Ming-Yih Leu, Kwee Siong Tew (2011) On-line Multi-Parameters and Continuous Water–Quality Monitors in a coral reef ecosystem. The 4th Cross-Strait Workshop on Coral Reef Biology and Marine Protected Area. 3-7 September 2011, Guangzhou, China.
Pi-Jen Liu, Ping-Ho Ho, Kwee Siong Tew, Chaolun Allen Chen, Ming-Yih Leu and Pei-Jie Meng*(2011) Long-term ecological monitoring of anthropogenic impacts on the coral reefs in Kenting National Park. The 4th Cross-Strait Workshop on Coral Reef Biology and Marine Protected Area. 3-7 September 2011, Guangzhou, China.
Ming-Yih Leu, Ya-Jie Yang, Jimmy Kou, Pei-Jie Meng*(2011) Microtructures and acute tolerance for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen in early stage of saddleback clownfish, Amphirpion polymnus. The 4th Cross-Strait Workshop on Coral Reef Biology and Marine Protected Area. 3-7 September 2011, Guangzhou, China.
Meng Pei-Jie, Tsu-Chang Hung, Ming-Yih Leu, Kwee Siong Tew (2011) On-line real time monitoring system of the water quality in a coral reef ecosystem. 22nd Pacific Science Congress, 14-17 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kwee Siong Tew, Pei-Jie Meng, Ming-Yih Leu (2011) Proliferation of epiphytic algae deteriorates giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera in an aquarium. 22nd Pacific Science Congress, 14-17 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ming-Yih Leu, Pei-Jie Meng, Kwee Siong Tew (2011) Development of captive breeding techniques for coral reef fish in Taiwan. 22nd Pacific Science Congress, 14-17 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Meng Pei-Jie and Chung-Chi Chen (2010) On-line real time monitoring system of the water quality at the Nanwan Bay, southern Taiwan. AGU fall meeting, 13-17 December 2010, San Francisco.
孫于琁、孟培傑、呂明毅(2010)。藍帶荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis)的仔稚魚發育、微細構造及首次攝餌之研究。台灣水產學會學術論文發表會論文摘要集。2010年 12月,基隆,台灣。
李驊穎,孟培傑,呂明毅(2010)。銀鱗鯧的胚胎、仔稚魚發育及對氨氮急毒性耐受性之研究。台灣水產學會學術論文發表會論文摘要集。2010年 12月,基隆,台灣。
李驊穎、呂明毅、孟培傑* (2010) 銀鱗鯧(Monodactylus argenteus)的初期個體發生學及對氨氮急毒性耐受性之研究。海峽兩岸海洋生物多樣性研討會論文摘要集, 4-7 November 2010,廈門,中國。
孫于琁、孟培傑、呂明毅 (2010)藍帶荷包魚之初期發育、微細構造及首次攝餌之研究海峽兩岸海洋生物多樣性研討會論文摘要集, 4-7 November 2010,廈門,中國。
Pei-Jie Meng*(2010) Distribution and accumulation of organotin species in seawaters, sediments and organisms collected from Taiwan mariculture areas. 6th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, 31 May-3 June 2010, Hong-Kong.
Pei-Jie Meng*, Wen-Hung Twan, Kuo-Nan Chung and Ming-Yih Leu (2010) Impact of human activities on the coral reefs ecosystem – A Long-term Study. Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology, PACON 2010, 1-5 June 2010, Hawaii.
Pei-Jie Meng*, Chung-Chi Chen(2010) On-line real time monitoring system of the water quality at the Nanwan Bay, southern Taiwan. 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, 13–17 December, San Francisco, California, USA.
Leu, M.-Y., Tew, K.S., Kuo, J., Hung, C.-C., Meng, P.-J. (2009) Natural spawning, larval development, and larviculture of the Indian Ocean oriental sweetlips, Plectorhinchus vittatus. 2009 Symposium of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 19-20 December 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Leu, M.-Y., Meng, P.-J., Tew, K.S., Kuo, J. (2009) Application of artificial breeding techniques in coral reef fish restoration: a case study to Indian Ocean oriental sweetlips, Plectorhinchus vittatus (Pisces: Haemulidae). The 3rd Cross-Strait Coral Reef Conference on Coral Reef Biology and the South China Sea Protect Area Agenda. 26-27 November 2009, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Pei-Jie Meng*, Wen-Hung Twan, Chung, Kuo-Nan, Chung-Chi Chen and Ming-Yih Leu (2009) Impact of human activities on the coral reefs ecosystem of Kenting National Park-A Long-term Study. The 3rd Cross-Strait Coral Reef Conference on Coral Reef Biology and the South China Sea Protect Area Agenda. 26-27 November 2009, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Hsin, M.C., P.J. Liu, Y.H. Huang, T.Y. Fun, P.J. Meng, and H.J. Lin(2009) Effects of short-term sedimentation on competitive interactions between a hard coral, a green alga, and a sea anemone. The 3rd Cross-Strait Coral Reef Conference on Coral Reef Biology and the South China Sea Protect Area Agenda. 26-27 November 2009, Pingtung, Taiwan.
Liu, P.J., H.M. Lin, Y.J. Chang, M.C. Hsin, Y.L. Chuang, T.Y. Fun, P.J. Meng, K.T. Shao, and H.J. Lin (2009) Effects of nutrients enrichment and grazing among a hard coral, a green alga, and a sea anemone: mesocosm experiments. The 3rd Cross-Strait Coral Reef Conference on Coral Reef Biology and the South China Sea Protect Area Agenda. 26-27 November 2009, Pingtung, Taiwan.
孟培傑 (2009)東沙環礁國家公園海水水質檢測與分析。海洋國家公園管理處生物多樣性資源研究與保育成果發表會,高雄,民國九十八年六月三十日。
Chang Chia-Feng, Tsu-Chang Hung, Pei-Jie Meng* (2009) The Toxicity and Accumulation of Tribulyltin Chloride on Taiwan Abalone, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta。The 5th Conference on Environmental Hormones and POPs. Taipei, 4 June, 2009。
Liu Pi-Jen, Hsueh-Ming Lin, Yu-Jen Chang, Min-Chieh Hsin, I-Li Chuang, Tung-Yun Fan, Pei-Jie Meng, Kuang-Chao Shao, Hsing-Juh Lin (2009) Symposium on Animal Behavior and Ecology, 21-22 January, 2009, at Taichung, Taiwan.
Meng Pei-Jie, Tsu-Chang Hung, Wen-Hung Twan, Kuo-Nan Chung, Kwee Siong Tew and David Wei-Jiun Hsieh (2009) Long-term ecological monitoring of human activities impact on the coral reefs of Kenting National Park, southern Taiwan. The 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress in conjunction with 2nd Symposium on French Research in the Pacific, TAHITI, French Polynesia, 2-6 March 2009.
Twan Wen-Hung and Pei-Jie Meng (2009) Hormones and reproduction in scleractinian corals. The 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress in conjunction with 2nd Symposium on French Research in the Pacific, TAHITI, French Polynesia, 2-6 March 2009.
孟培傑 (2009) 墾丁珊瑚礁環境現況與變遷。中華民國珊瑚礁學會2009年珊瑚礁發展論壇,台北,民國九十八年二月十四日。(受邀專題演講)
Leu M.-Y., Meng P.-J., Tew K.S., Kuo J., Hung C.-S. (2008) Natural spawning, early development, and first feeding in the bluestriped angelfish Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis. 2008 Symposium of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 20 December 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.
Leu Ming-Yih, Pei-Jie Meng, Wei-Hsien Wang (2008) Natural spawning and larviculture of marine angelfishes in captivity. 7th International Aquarium Congress Progress and Conservation: The role of aquarium in protecting the aquatic environment. Shanghai, China, 19-24 Oct. 2008.
Huang Yuan Chao Angelo, Pei-Jie Meng, Yung- Song Chen, Shou Chong Huang, Chaolun Allen Chen (2008) Nutrient enrichment of a marine cage culture and its impact on the composition of coral species in the subtropical coral community. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, July 7-11, 2008.
Huang Yuan Chao Angelo, Pei-Jie Meng, Shou-Choung Huang, Chaolun Allen Chen(2008) Does eutrophication caused by marine cage culture shape the surrounding coral community? A case study in Makong Inner Bay, Penghu Island. 2008 年台灣珊瑚礁現況及保育進展研討會論文摘要集,中華民國珊瑚礁學會 編印 ,台北,中華民國九十七年元月十九日。
Chang Kuei-Ting, Pei-Jie Meng*(2008) Distribution and accumulation of organotin species in seawaters, sediments and organisms collected from Taiwan maricuture areas. 97年國科會海洋學門成果發表會,行政院國家科學委員會,彰化,2008年4月20~21日。
Leu Ming-Yih, Pei-Jie Meng, Chao-Sheng Huang, Chyng-Hwa Liou and Wei-Hsien Wang (2007) Embryonic and larval development of five-lined snapper, Lutjanus quinquelineatus (Pisces: Lutjanidae). 2007 Symposium of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 15-16 December 2006, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.”
孟培傑、鍾國南、陳正平、陳明輝、劉銘欽、張揚祺、樊同雲、林幸助、劉弼仁、張家銘、方力行、邵廣昭(2007) 人為活動對墾丁國家公園海域生態衝擊之長期監測研究及環境教育應用與環境生態資料庫資訊系統之建立。96 年度「國家公園保育成果與經營管理研討會」論文集,屏東,民國96年9月20~21。
孟培傑、陳仲吉、李宏仁、劉銘欽、張家銘(2007) 南灣水文、生產力與環境壓力。2 0 0 7 年珊瑚礁生物多樣性保育週,台灣珊瑚礁永續經營研習會論文集,屏東,民國九十六年五月。(受邀專題演講)
Meng Pei-Jie, Bor-Cheng Han, Ming-Hui Chen, Kwee Siong Tew , Hung-Jen Lee, Chung-Chi Chen (2007) The impacts of sediment on coral reefs in the southern Taiwan. 21 Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, 12-18 June, 2007.
Tew Kwee Siong, Pei-Jie Meng, Yi-Xiu Ye, Chen-Chen Huang, Ya-Hsin Liu, Jimmy Kuo (2007) Comparison of phytoplankton variation between coral reef and non-reef areas in southern Taiwan. 21 Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, 12-18 June, 2007.
Chen Ming-Hui, Pei-Jie Meng, Chia-Feng Chang (2007) The resources of the edible turban snails Turbo spp. along the coast of Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan. 21 Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, 12-18 June, 2007.
Leu, M.-Y. and P.-J. Meng ( 2006) Natural spawning, early development, and first feeding in the semicircle angelfish Pomacanthus semicirculatus. 2006 Symposium of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16-17 December 2006, at Keelung, Taiwan.
Huang Yuan-Chao Angelo, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, Shou-Choung Huang, Pei-Jie Meng, Chaolun Allen Chen(2006) Culture on the marine environment of a subtropical coral community in Penghu, Taiwan. 2006 Symposium of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 16-17 December 2006, at Keelung, Taiwan.
樊同雲、邵廣昭、詹榮桂、林幸助、孟培傑、林芳邦(2006) 跨國同歩即時監測研究溫度變動對珊瑚礁關鍵功能群表現的影響。中華民國珊瑚礁學會第十二屆珊瑚礁生物研討會,台北,民國九十五年十一月十八日。
Huang Yuan-Chao Angelo, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, Shou-Choung Huang, Pei-Jie Meng, Chaolun Allen Chen(2006) Impacts of marine cage culture on the marine environment of a subtropical coral community in Penghu, Taiwan. 中華民國珊瑚礁學會第十二屆珊瑚礁生物研討會,台北,民國九十五年十一月十八日。
Chang Kuei-Ting and Pei-Jie Meng (2006) Analysis of organotins in sea water by Grignard reagent derivatization and gas chromatography-pulsed flame photometric detection.國立海洋生物博物館 生物科技研討會,屏東,2006年10月28 日。
孟培傑、顏靜雅、張家銘(2006) 「墾丁國家公園海域長期生態研究計劃-人為活動對海域生態所造成之衝擊研究(六)環境教育之應用(三)基本生態資料之建立(三)與環境生態資料庫資訊系統之建立(二)」-廢水排放。2006年墾丁國家公園海域長期生態研究計劃成果發表會,屏東,民國九十五年十月25日。
孟培傑、顏靜雅、張家銘(2006) 「墾丁國家公園海域長期生態研究計劃-人為活動對海域生態所造成之衝擊研究(六)環境教育之應用(三)基本生態資料之建立(三)與環境生態資料庫資訊系統之建立(二)」-潮間帶水質。2006年墾丁國家公園海域長期生態研究計劃成果發表會,屏東,民國九十五年十月25日。
Meng Pei-Jie (2006) A long-term survey on anthropogenic impacts to the water quality in Kenting coral reefs. Recent advances on Long-Term Ecological Research in coral reefs, 2 Oct. 2006, Taichung, Taiwan.
Tew, Kwee Siong; Ye, Yi-Xiu, Meng, Pei-Jie, Kuo, Jimmy & Fang, Lee-Shing. (2006) The Diversity of Picoeukaryotes in a Subtropical Eutrophic Lagoon. The 13th Ocean Sciences Meeting, 20-24 February 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii.
劉莉蓮、孟培傑、洪楚璋(2006)環境荷爾蒙干擾物質: 臺灣有機錫研究之回顧。第四屆環境荷爾蒙及持久性有機污染物研討會論文集,第96-105頁,台北,民國九十五年六月九日。
Meng Pei-Jie, Jih-Terng Wang, Chung-Chi Chen, Hsing-Juh Lin , David Wei-Jiun Hsieh and Hung-Jen Lee (2006) A long-term survey on anthropogenic impacts to the water quality of coral reefs, southern Taiwan. Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, 18-24 June 2006, Hong-Kong.
Shao Kwang-Tsao, Hsing-Juh Lin, Pei-Jei Meng (2006) Kenting Coral Reefs
LTER. Second workshops of the GLEON (Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network) and CREON (Coral Reef Ecological Observatory Network) networks, 2006/3/29-3/31, Townsville, Australia.
Leu, M.-Y., P.-J. Meng, Y.-H. Lee and L.-S. Fang, 2005. Embryonic and larval development of Russell’s snapper, Lutjanus russellii (Pisces: Lutjanidae). 2005 Symposium of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan , 10-11 December 2005, at Pingtung, Taiwan. p. APN-1.
孟培傑 (2005)台灣海洋環境二十年。中華民國珊瑚礁學會第十一屆珊瑚礁生物研討會,台北,民國九十四年十二月17日。(受邀專題演講)
Meng Pei-Jie*, Hung-Jen Lee, Min-Li Tsai, Ching-Ya Yen and Chia-Ming Chang (2004) The impact of anthropogenic activities to the water quality of coral reefs, south Taiwan. 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan, 28 June-2 July, 2004。
Meng, P.J., Han, B.C.,Jih-Terng Wang and Hung, T.C., (2003) A standard scheme to detect the interference derived from organic ligands on heavy metal analysis with anodic stripping voltammetry. XX Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok,Thailand, 17-21 March, 2003
Hung, T.C., Meng, P.J., Han, B.C.,Hsi W.K.and Chuang, A. (2003) Organotinsn induced imposex on rockshells and oysters hermaphroditic in Taiwan coastal areas. XX Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok,Thailand, 17-21 March, 2003
Yuan, Y.K., H.T. Lee, W.F. Lien and P.J. Meng(2003) To study the succession of flora in flooding irrigation zone and ammonia and nitrite, nitrate removal in surface-flow, Internal conference & Australian Water Association 20th Convention, Perth Western Australia.
洪楚璋、孟培傑、韓柏檉、莊淑華(2002)環境荷爾蒙干擾物質: 臺灣地區有機錫之調查研究。第二屆環境荷爾蒙與持久性有機污染物研討會,台北,民國九十一年十二月6日。
陳仲吉、夏復國、李宏仁、孟培傑 (2002)湧昇流對南灣海域長期生態監測站水體中生物源有機碳循環的影響。2002年生物多樣性研究研討會,台北,民國九十一年九月18~19日。
孟培傑(2002)海域水質調查技術與實務。海域水質分析技術研習會,台北,民國九十一年四月十七日, pp. 1-8。(受邀主講人)
李宏才、袁又罡、孟培傑 (2002) 土地處理系統中植物相與水質改善之實場研究-表面流中氨氮與硝酸鹽氮之去除成效,第五屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會論文集,第122-129頁。
袁又罡、李宏才、孟培傑 、范惠婷、張雅婷(2002) 土地處理系統中植物相與水質改善之實場研究-表面流中金屬離子之去除成效,第八屆海峽兩岸環境保護研討會論文集,第1243-1249頁。
Meng, P.J., Hung, T.C., , Han, B.C.,J.T. Wang and L.S. Fung (2001) Mitigation of interference derived from organic ligands on heavy metal analysis with anodic stripping voltammetry. 10th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Guam, 1-6 June, 2001
Hung, T.C., Hsu, W.K., Meng, P.J., and Chuang, A. (2001) Coastal monitoring: organotins in fishes, oysters and rock shells from the Taiwan coastal water. 10th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Guam, 1-6 June, 2001
Han, B.C. T.C.Hung, P.J. Meng (2001) Concentrations of Tributyltin in shellfish and daily intake for fisherman of Taiwan, 10th Pacific Science Inter-Congress Guam, 1-6 June, 2001 USA
Pai, S.C.,Fang T.S., Meng P.J. Shung T.M.,Tsau Y.J. and Chang S.H. (2000) Chemical characteristics of plume water and the mixing process of terrestrial materials in the Tanshui River Estuary. Ecological and Environmental Symposium of Tansui Estuary, Taipei, Oct. 14-15, 2000.
Hung, T.C., W.K. Hsu, P.J. Meng and A. Chuang (2000) Species of organotins in imposex of rock shells and hermaphroditic oysters from the western coast of Taiwan. Seventh Federal of the European Chemical Society (FECS) Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, August 27-30, 2000.
Meng P.J., Hung, T.C and A. Chuang (2000) Species of trace metal, organic residues and humic substances in sediments from the Taiwan Erhjin river and coastal areas. Seventh Federal of the European Chemical Society (FECS) Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, August 27-30, 2000.
Hung, T.C., W.K. Hsu, Y.T. Hsu and P.J. Meng (2000) Mussel Watch: Relationship Between Organotin Compounds and Imposex on Mussels/Bivalves in Taiwan. Proc. Second Intern. Ocean and Atmosphere Conference, Taipei, July 10-12, 2000, pp. 212-217.
Meng P.J., Hung, T.C, A. Chuang, S.J. Wu, C.C. Chen(1999) Relations among trace metal species,organic residues and humic substances in the Taiwan Erhjin riverine,esturine and coastal sediments. XIX Pacific Science Congress, Sydney, Australia, 4-9 July, 1999.
Meng P.J., Hung, T.C and Chen, C.C. (1998) Complexing capacity of heavy metals and humic substances in Taiwan Erhjin Chi estuarine and coastal sediments. IXth Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Academia Sinica (Taipei), November 15-19, 1998.
Meng, P.J. and Hung, T.C. (1997) Complexing capacity of heavy metals with humic substances in sediments of the Taiwan Erhjin Chi coastal area. Third International Ocean Pollution Symposium (Sponsored by UNESCO/IOC), Fort Pierce, Florida, USA, 6-11, 1997.
Meng, P.J. and Hung, T.C. (1994) Relationship between humic substances and heavy metals in Taiwan environment. Symp. On Taiwan/China/Hong Kong Coastal Environmental Science and Management. Xiamen/China, 8-11 August 1994.
Hung, T.C., S.C. Tsay and P.J. Meng (1994) Environmental characterization of copper organically bound with humic substances and organic residues in the Taiwan sediments. 8th Symposium on Environ. Analyt. Chem., Tainan, Taiwan, May 6-7, 1994.
Meng P.J., Hung, T.C and Han, B.C. (1993) Interactions among the copper species and forms in seawater/sediments and copper bioaccumulation in oysters. Second International Ocean Pollution Symposium (Sponsored by UNESCO/IOC), Beijin/China, 4-8 October 1993.
Hung, T.C., Kuo, C.Y.and P.J. Meng (1993) Relationship between humic substances and heavy metals along the Taiwan Erhjin Chi coastal area. Second International Ocean Pollution Symposium (Sponsored by UNESCO/IOC), Beijin/China, 4-8 October 1993.
Meng, P.J. and Hung, T.C. (1993) Environmental characterization of copper organically bound with humic substances and organic residues in the Taiwan sediments. Sec. International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Taipei, 5-10 June 1993.
Hung, T.C. and P.J. Meng (1993) Species of heavy metals in the Taiwan Erhjin Chi coastal and the Antarctic Ocean sediments. 7th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Okinawa, Japan, June 27-July3, 1993.
Meng, P.J. and Hung, T.C. (1992) Study of heavy metals in the Antarctic Ocean and the Taiwan Erhjin Chi coastal sediments. Third Symp. On Soil Poll. Control. Taichung/Taiwan, 17-18 February 1992.
Hung, T.C., P.J. Meng and C.C.H. Tsai (1991) Relationships among the species of copper in water/sediments, biomass and hydrographical paramenters along the Taiwan Charting coastal area. Presented and discussed at IAPSO (Intern. Assoc. for Phys. Sci. of Ocean) Symposium, 20th General Assembly of Intern. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vienna, Austria, August 11-24, 1991.
洪楚璋、孟培傑、莊淑華 (1986)探討快速注射儀之分析技術,第一屆環境分析化學研討會論文集。
1. 溶氧儀數據穩定裝置。申請類別:新型。申請案號:095211599,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2006/10/19。核准文號: (95)智專一(四)05022字第09520858580號。證書號碼: 新型第M305340號。創作人:孟培傑。
2 水下特定限制區域採水瓶。申請類別:新型。申請案號:095213360,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2006/11/17。核准文號:(95)智專一(四)04157字第09520966090號。證書號碼: 新型第M305178號。創作人:孟培傑。
3. 非研究船用尼斯金採水瓶架。申請類別:新型。申請案號:095213216,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2006/11/23。核准文號:(95)智專一(四)04143字第09520987410號。證書號碼: 新型第M304946號。創作人:孟培傑。
4. 珊瑚礁魚類受精卵收集裝置。申請類別:新型。申請案號:096211652,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2007/11/29。核准文號:(96)智專一(四)01139字第09642133790號。證書號碼: 新型第M325731號。99年1月1日技轉。創作人: 呂明毅、孟培傑。
5. 水生物光合作用呼吸檢測室。申請類別:新型。申請案號:096212402,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2008/1/10。核准文號:(97)智專一(四)05043字第09740067920號。證書號碼: 新型第M327637號。99年1月1日技轉。創作人:孟培傑、王志騰、張桂祥、呂明毅、陳正平、張文炳、劉銘欽、陳明輝。
6. 水桶汲水輔助器。申請類別:新型。申請案號:096216400,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2008/2/21。核准文號:(97)智專一(四)04167字第09740310830號。證書號碼: 新型第M330262號。創作人:孟培傑、王志騰、張桂祥、呂明毅、陳正平、張文炳、劉銘欽、陳明輝。
7. 可調式海洋監測用透明度板。申請類別:新型。申請案號:096215847,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2008/2/29。核准文號:(97)智專一(四)13052字第09740362260號。證書號碼: 新型第M330464號。創作人:孟培傑、王志騰、張桂祥、呂明毅、陳正平、張文炳、劉銘欽、陳明輝。
8. 防風橋樑型河川採水水桶。申請類別:新型。申請案號:096217119,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2008/4/03。核准文號:(97)智專一(四)01139字第09740609530號。證書號碼: 新型第M332067號。創作人:孟培傑、王志騰、張桂祥、呂明毅、陳正平、張文炳、劉銘欽、陳明輝。
9. 漂浮性魚類受精卵收集裝置。申請類別:新型。申請案號:098206230,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2009/9/11。核准文號:(98)智專一(四)01172字第09841590760號。證書號碼: 新型第M372077號。100年11月1日技轉。創作人: 呂明毅、孟培傑、段文宏、張桂祥、郭傑民。
10. 魚目之回鮮填充液組成及回鮮方法。申請類別:發明。申請案號:095137156,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2009/11/27。核准文號:(98)智專二(五)01138字第09820772330號。證書號碼: 發明第I 322668 號。創作人: 陳正平、孟培傑、蔣佩婷、呂明毅、段文宏。
11. 水質優氧化之預警模式及其偵測方法。申請類別:發明。申請案號:097139446,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2013/04/18。核准文號:(102)智專二(六)01185字第10220474870號。證書號碼: 發明第I 401214 號。創作人:孟培傑、呂明毅、段文宏、王志騰、陳錦煌、蔣佩婷。
12. 人工誘導促進石斑魚自然性轉變之方法及其應用。申請類別:發明。申請案號:096135209,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2013/10/14。核准文號:(102)智專三(四)01039字第10221378450號。證書號碼: 發明第I 418297 號。創作人:呂明毅、孟培傑、劉擎華、李展榮。
13. 省力型水產生物受精卵及浮游幼生收集方法與其系統。申請類別:發明。申請案號:099144002,中華民國智慧財產局。核准日期:2015/08/01。核准文號:(104)智專一(一)證字第10471676670號。證書號碼: 發明第I 494057 號。創作人:呂明毅、孟培傑、李展榮、何平合。
Books* and Technical Reports
邵廣昭、陳義雄、黃將修、孟培傑、林幸助、范光龍、張桂祥、陳天任、陳鳴泉、黃淑芳、詹 森、趙世民、蔡錦玲、蘇茂森、蕭世民(2010)「海洋生命科學導論」參考用書,教育部顧問室海洋教育先導型計畫辦公室,206頁。
Hung, T.C., C.C. Chen, A. Chuang and P.J. Meng (1998) Environmental change and resource management in the western Taiwan:Tseng-Wen River: Study on water quality change. Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, 138pp.
Hung,T.C.,Chen, C.C.; Chuang, A.; Meng, P.J. (1996) Environmental change and resource management in western Taiwan: (1) Tsengwen Chi System: Water quality study, Progress Report Environ. Change and Resource Management in Western Taiwan (Ed. Chou, C.H.), Acad. Sin., 51-134.
Hung,T.C., Chen, C.C.; Chuang, A.; Meng, P.J. (1996) Environmental change and resource management in western Taiwan (1) Tsengwen Chi system: Water quality study, Final report Env. Change and Resource Management in Western Taiwan (Ed. Chou, C.H.), Acad. Sin., 51-142.
Hung, T.C., Lin, C.C.; Chuang, A.; Lin, C.S.; Meng, P.J. (1995) Environmental change and resource management in western Taiwan (1) Tsengwen Chi System: Water quality study, Progress Report Environ. Change and Resource Management in Western Taiwan (Ed. Chou, C.H.), Acad. Sin., 13-64.
Hung, T.C.; Tsay, S.C.; Chuang, A.; Lin, C.S.; Meng, P.J. (1994) Environmental change and resource management in western Taiwan (1) Tsengwen Chi System:Water quality studies, In: Proc. Env. Change and Resource Management in Western Taiwan (Ed. Chou, C.H.), Acad. Sin., pp. 19-54.
Other publication
孟培傑、楊紹政 (1998) 馬祖附近海域發生紅潮。中華藻類學會簡訊”專題報導” vol.2 No.2 p.14.
韓柏檉、鄭明修、孟培傑 (1999)。台灣北部海域重金屬污染及其指標生物之建立。基隆市環境保護局研究報告。
韓柏檉、鄭明修、孟培傑、林昕佑、陳登松、楊海寧 (1999) 台灣北部海域海洋生物簡介。基隆市環保局。
方力行、張文炳、呂明毅、王瑋龍、孟培傑 (2000)澎湖尖山、南部複循環及和平溪碧海等發電計畫之生態調查。台灣電力公司委託研究報告。
方力行、張文炳、呂明毅、林綉美、孟培傑 (2001)澎湖尖山、南部複循環及和平溪碧海等發電計畫之生態調查。台灣電力公司委託研究報告。
張文柄、宋克義、孟培傑(2001) 發電廠電解海水對海生物之影響研究-化學部份。台灣電力公司委託研究報告。
孟培傑(2001) 安平漁港舊港口重建計畫施工期間海域水質監測。台灣漁業及海洋技術顧問社委託研究報告。
孟培傑(2001) 室內高密度循環水暨種畜養系統之水質監測計畫。中華生技股份有限公司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2001)桃園縣觀塘工業區工業專用港施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2001)桃園縣觀塘工業區開發計畫施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
方力行、張文炳、呂明毅、林綉美、孟培傑 (2002)澎湖尖山、南部複循環及和平溪碧海等發電計畫之生態調查。台灣電力公司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2002)桃園縣觀塘工業區工業專用港施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2002)桃園縣觀塘工業區開發計畫施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
方力行、孟培傑、郭漢煌、張文炳、呂明毅、陳義雄、樊同雲、何平合、李展榮、林綉美、陳正平、周偉融 (2002) 阿瑪斯號貨輪擱淺地區生態資源監測與復舊計劃。內政部營建署墾丁國家公園管理處委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2002) 金門地區水體水質基本資料之調查研究。內政部營建署金門國家公園管理處委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2002) 海湖電廠九十一年度海域生態環境監測及海放管海域監測計畫。瑞昶科技股份有限公司委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2002) 九十一年度基隆市.台北縣.桃園縣.苗栗縣.台中縣及彰化縣海域環境品質調查監測計畫-海域生態調查研究。國立成功大學委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2002) 連江縣海域監測計劃。連江縣衛生局委託研究報告。
邵廣昭、方力行、孟培傑、鍾國南、李展榮、劉銘欽、田文敏、張揚祺。(2002) 墾丁國家公園南灣海域長期生態研究計劃-人為活動對海域生態衝擊之長期監測研究(Ⅱ)及生態與環境資料庫建立。內政部營建署墾丁國家公園管理處委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2003)桃園縣觀塘工業區工業專用港施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2003)桃園縣觀塘工業區開發計畫施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
方力行、邵廣昭、孟培傑、樊同雲、陳正平、田文敏、劉銘欽、鍾國南、張揚祺、林幸助 (2003) 墾丁國家公園海域長期生態研究計劃-人為活動對海域生態衝擊之長期監測研究(Ⅲ)及生態與環境資料庫建立(Ⅱ)。內政部營建署墾丁國家公園管理處委託研究報告。
方力行、孟培傑、陳義雄、何平合、林綉美 (2003) 龜山島龜首潭與龜尾湖水域生物群聚生態資源調查規劃報告。交通部觀光局東北角海岸國家風景區管理處委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2003) 零換水室內高效率循環水養殖技術開發計畫。中華生技股份有限公司研究報告。
方力行、邵廣昭、孟培傑、樊同雲、陳正平、田文敏、陳明輝、劉銘欽、鍾國南、張揚祺、林幸助 (2004) 墾丁國家公園海域長期生態研究計劃-人為活動對海域生態所造成之衝擊研究(Ⅳ)與環境教育之應用(Ⅰ)。內政部營建署墾丁國家公園管理處委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2004) 以ATP法分析冷卻水中微生物檢測計畫。台灣電力公司委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2004) 淡水地區污水處理廠工程環境影響評估海域水質調查分析。台海工程顧問股份有限公司委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2004) 台中至大潭液化天然氣海底管線新建計畫。台海工程顧問股份有限公司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2004)桃園縣觀塘工業區工業專用港施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2004)桃園縣觀塘工業區開發計畫施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
李宏仁、孟培傑 (2004) 大鵬灣海域監測及模擬研究計畫。內政部營建署大鵬灣國家風景區管理處委託研究報告。
方力行、邵廣昭、孟培傑、樊同雲、陳正平、陳明輝、劉銘欽、鍾國南、張揚祺、林幸助 (2005) 墾丁國家公園海域長期生態研究計劃-人為活動對海域生態所造成之衝擊研究(五)環境教育之應用(二)基本生態資料之建立(二)與環境生態資料庫資訊系統之建立(一) 。內政部營建署墾丁國家公園管理處委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2005)桃園縣觀塘工業區工業專用港施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2005)桃園縣觀塘工業區開發計畫施工階段環境監測計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、張桂祥、李宏仁(2005) 大鵬灣赤潮形成環境因子之探討及其防治措施之研究。內政部營建署大鵬灣國家風景區管理處委託研究報告。
方力行、李展榮、孟培傑、李宏仁、呂明毅、柯風溪、陳正平(2005) 和平火力發電廠附近海域生態調查。和平電力股份有限公司委託研究報告。
鄭明修、邵廣昭、戴昌鳳、陳正平、孟培傑 (2006) 東沙海域珊瑚礁生態資料基礎調查與監測 (一)。內政部營建署委託研究報告。
方力行、邵廣昭、孟培傑、樊同雲、陳正平、陳明輝、劉銘欽、鍾國南、張揚祺、林幸助 (2006) 墾丁國家公園海域長期生態研究計劃-人為活動對海域生態所造成之衝擊研究(六)環境教育之應用(三)基本生態資料之建立(三)與環境生態資料庫資訊系統之建立(二) 。內政部營建署墾丁國家公園管理處委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2006) 「台灣~澎湖161KV電纜線路環境影響評估工作」海域水質及底質調查分析。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
王維賢、邵廣昭、孟培傑、樊同雲、陳正平、陳明輝、劉銘欽、張揚祺、林幸助、何平合 (2007) 墾丁國家公園海域長期生態研究計劃-人為活動對海域生態所造成之衝擊研究(七)環境教育之應用(四)基本生態資料之建立(四)-40-與環境生態資料庫資訊系統之建立(三)。內政部營建署墾丁國家公園管理處委託研究報告。
孟培傑 (2007) 味精發酵母液海洋棄置環境監測計畫。泰興工程顧問股份有限公司委託研究報告。
孟培傑、黃哲崇、陳汝勤 (2007) 桃園縣觀塘工業區開發計畫施工階段環境監測(二)計畫。財團法人中華顧問工程司委託研究報告。
陳昭倫、孟培傑、湯森林、陳文明、宋克義、盧重光、段文宏 (2008)綠島海域污染監測及防治與珊瑚礁群聚結構調查。內政部營建署委託研究報告。
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